PE with Hannah: Joe Wicks Adapted Sessions

We’ve had a message that Bumble Bee Physio (find them on Facebook) are doing adapted sessions of the popular Joe Wicks PE. There’s a session at 11 am on Tuesday that may be worth tuning into. If 11 am doesn’t work, please check their Facebook page later in the day as live videos stay up.

The sessions will include options for lying, sitting and supported standing. Perhaps if you have other children at home they could also join in and support their brothers and sisters. Let us know how you get on.

Music With Emmeline – Friday 27th March

Here are today’s musical activities from Emmeline.

Musical Story: Igor – The Bird Who Couldn’t Sing by Satoshi Kitamura

Every Friday we will be providing you with a different musical story. Today’s musical story is Igor – The Bird Who Couldn’t Sing by Satoshi Kitamura. Emmeline is going to read the story with different pauses for musical moments.

Here are links to each of the musical moment so that you can listen to them yourselves at home at any point;

The Dawn Chorus:

The Cat Swing Band:

The Dog Rock Band:

The Sheep Orchestra:

The Crocodile Samba Band:

The Penguin Choir:

Igor’s Song! ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’:

What was your favourite music from today’s story?

Donald Far’s Yer Troosers: Part 5 – Verse 4 and The Whole Song!

We have one more verse of Donald Far’s Yer Troosers to learn and then we will put the whole song together! We hope you have enjoyed learning your first virtual Makaton song at home and can now practise it over the weekend! It is certainly one that gets stuck in your head!

To wear the kilt is my delight,
It isn’t wrong, I know it’s right.
The highlanders would get a fright
If they saw me in my troosers.

Now have a go at the whole song!

Music With Emmeline – Thursday 26th March

Here are today’s musical activities from Emmeline.

Song: Five Little monkeys
Five little monkeys is such a popular children’s song. We have prepared our version of it with 5 printed monkeys stuck to desk bells! We will play one each time a monkey falls off the bed. Don’t worry if you do not have instruments like this! Could you bang a pan or clap your hands every time a monkey falls off the bed instead? You could also print and cut out or draw 5 Little monkeys to practise counting down.

Donald Far’s Yer Troosers: Part 4 – Verse 3

Today we are learning the third verse of Donald Fars Yer Troosers! We hope you can still remember the other verses and the chorus as tomorrow we will be putting the whole song together!

Now, I went down to London town
And I had some fun on the underground.
The ladies turned their heads around, saying;
“Donald, where are your trousers?

Music With Emmeline – Wednesday 25th March

Here are today’s musical activities with Emmeline.

Soundscape: Under The Sea

Every Wednesday we are going to be providing a different themed soundscape.

Today’s theme is Under the Sea. We have provided this picture as a visual stimulus for under the sea ideas.

Please relax, listen to the music, look at the picture, imagine different under the sea creatures and take deep breathes. If you have anything at home that sounds like the sea then you can also join in using this. Perhaps you have a container filled with beads or buttons that could be used as your own ocean drum or a shell to hold to yours or someone else’s ear?

Donald Far’s Yer Troosers: Part 3 – Verse 2

Today let’s try the Second verse of Donald Far’s Yer Troosers,

A lady took me to a ball
And it was slippery in the hall
I was afraid that I would fall
‘Cause I didn’t have on my troosers

Music With Emmeline – Tuesday 24th March

Here are today’s musical activities with Emmeline.

Play Away & Stop 

This is a brilliant fun game of musical statues with instruments included! The lyrics of the song are;

Play Away, Play Away, Play Away and Stop!

Try playing along with Emmeline first. Playing and listening at a normal volume, quietly, loud, fast and slow. You can then try this amongst yourselves. If you do not want to sing the song you can say ‘Play’ and ‘Stop’ or wait for someone to vocalise or smile to indicate the starting and stopping. Try playing about with the dynamics and tempo at home too!

Also remember if you don’t have any musical instruments, please don’t worry. Use a pot, pan, old box, kaleidoscope, homemade shaker, clap your hands or tap your knees!

Donald Far’s Yer Troosers: Part 2 – Verse 1

Today we are going to learn Verse 1 of Donald far’s yer troosers, we will learn a little bit each today to build up to the entire song on Friday! Don’t forget to do your ‘Little Man’ vocal warm-up from yesterday before we start!

Just got in from the Isle of Skye
I’m not very big and I’m awfully shy
The ladies shout as I go by
Donald far’s yer troosers?

Music With Emmeline – Monday 23rd March

Hello everyone

The aim for the next while is to bring you two musical videos each day.  These will feature a daily extract from a Makaton song, building up to the entire song by the end of the week as well as musical games, soundscapes, interactive musical stories and activities.

Here are today’s videos.

Vocal Warm Up:  The Little Man

Each Monday we will be sharing a different vocal warm up for you to use throughout the week.  Today is the story of the Little Man.

The little man goes for a walk and he comes to a lift.  He presses the button and goes up in the lift.  Once he is at the top of the building, he puts on his parachute and jumps off the building!  Luckily there is a trampoline on the ground which he lands on…

Can you think of anything else to add to the story?

Donald Far’s Yer Troosers: Part 1 – Chorus

This term the Makaton Choir have been learning a variety of Scottish songs to sing and sign initiated by our Burns Night celebrations.  Now it is time for our pupils to refresh theses songs and teach their parents, carers and family.  Today we are learning the chorus.

Let the winds blow high

Let the winds blow low

Down the street in my kilt I go

All the lassies say hello

Donald far’s yer troosers?

Room 18’s Green Fingers

Room 18 have been developing their green fingers. We had a wonderful time planting bulbs and vegetables. We potted some bulbs by adding soil to the pots and putting the bulbs in them. We watered them and put them outside Howes Hoose. We have been checking on them and watering them, hopefully the spring weather will make them grow quickly! In Outdoor Education, we have also been planting carrot tops and celery to see if we can grow them from our snack leftovers.

Sport Relief 2020

Many thanks to Amanda, Salvi, Sam and Scott for organising fun activities for us all to join in with to support Sport Relief 2020. We kicked off the morning with a select band signing up to Run a Mile. Thanks to Room 19 for braving the cold throughout our challenge, the spectators that cheered us on from the warmth of the classrooms and those that came out for playtime, supporting with cheers as we ran our loops. Each of us did 5 loops of the playground in total.

At lunchtime we enjoyed dance sessions with Sam. We all had lots of fun!

Finally, the whole school joined in for the afternoon to Walk a Mile with a Smile. We were grateful that the sun came out and warmed up the playground nicely for us. We also had some special visitors – the sumos!

Our day was just for fun, but we also received generous donations towards Sport Relief, raising a total of £165! Well done to everyone for taking part!