Orchard Brae Connect

Orchard Brae Connect

Our committee

Chair – Rebecca Duncan

Secretary – Jill Cameron

Treasurer – Gillian Tinsley

Orchard Brae Connect is a small parent-led group, open to all parents/carers of Orchard Brae School. We are here to work in partnership with the school, its pupils and all its families, to represent your views and to provide activities which we hope will help to support you and your child / children.

How you can get involved in Orchard Brae Connect

  • Come along to our meetings which we hold at least once per term. We are always very pleased to welcome new members to bring fresh ideas to our group.
  • Volunteer to help at the school, whether it be at swimming, art, outdoor learning, bus trips, cooking or in the class room.
  • Volunteer to help at events.

Coffee mornings

Come along to our monthly coffee mornings, held at the school. This is a very informal event and is a good chance to meet other parents / carers of children at the school.

 Information / Training Events

We endeavour to hold two Information / Training Events per term. If you have any ideas on future topics please do not hesitate to get in contact.


We are always pleased to hear from you on what you’d like us to provide over the coming term or just to share ideas / information that you have found useful and you think others might too.

Email address: pcorchardbrae@aberdeen.npfs.org.uk

Follow us on Facebook for dates of meetings, coffee mornings and training events at


You will also be able to find more information about Friends of Orchard Brae, which organises fundraising activities to raise money for all aspects of the school not covered by the Local Authority.

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