School Closure Information Line
Please find details of the Aberdeen City schools telephone information service for parents/guardians. This is the Schools Information Line.
The main features of this service are:
- Emergency Arrangements message for Parents/Guardians
To be used to inform parents/guardians of emergency arrangements and important announcements, e.g. early closure arising from adverse weather conditions/failure of heating systems.
- Voicemail for Recording non-urgent Messages from Parents/Guardians
The system also has the potential to record brief messages of a routine nature from parents/guardians. You will be advised at a later date if this feature is to be activated.
- List of Messages containing School Information
This could hold routine information for parents/guardians, e.g. the times for a Parents’ Night, School Concert details, etc.
Parents/Guardians can access these features by dialling this National Rate number:
Tel: 0870 054 1999
A Council message will be heard followed by a request for a six-digit PIN number specific to their child’s school.
The Pin Number for Orchard Brae School is 011890.
Once connected, a voice will speak out the name of the school and a series of prompts will guide the caller to the appropriate option. The cost of calls is no more than 10p/call (landline calls). You can also check school closure status on the School Closure page on the Aberdeen City Council website. Please use the link below: