Pour a Cup of Kindness With Room 17

8 May was World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.  Globally the Red Cross delivers lots of humanitarian assistance including first aid.  Room 17 pupils have also been doing some first aid and have been working towards their Basic First Aid SQA.  

To celebrate the success of Room 17 pupils and World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day we had a  ‘Pour a Cup of Kindness’ coffee morning.  We invited Room 17 parents and our friends from Howes Hoose to join us.  We also had a visitor, Colin, from the British Red Cross.  Colin presented all the pupils with a First Aid Certificate.  We also had fun with some tea cup photo props. 

Room 17’s Special Visitors

Room 17 were delighted by the visit of two very special guests – ‘Flicker’ and ‘Winston’ – the therapy ponies. Pupils from the class had the opportunity to stroke each pony and take them for a walk around the hall. The ponies were exceptionally well behaved and seemed to enjoy getting petted from the pupils. We were all very impressed with their little shoes! It was a rare and special treat for everyone!

Keeping Clean in 17!

Room 17 have been working hard towards their Personal Hygiene SQA. We have been exploring different personal hygiene activities and what items are required to complete these activities. We enjoyed smelling different shampoos and shower gels. We experimented with how much bubbles and froth we could make from them too – it’s quite a lot!

We also played some games, washed some clothes, and listened to different stories about how to keep ourselves clean and healthy.

Finally, we are happy to say that we are now experts in washing our hands, and brushing our teeth!

Getting Ready For 2024

Room 17 had lots of fun making calendars for 2024.  We did some very good looking when we were choosing paint.  Some of us really enjoyed exploring the paint and feeling it in between our fingers.  We washed our hands with soapy water when we were finished.  Some of us thought hand washing was the best bit and really enjoyed feeling the warm water on our hands and playing with the bubbles.  We are hoping our Mums and Dads really like our calendar showing the different seasons through different colours.

Health and Wellbeing in Room 17

In Room 17, we have been thinking about our personal health as part of our SQAs. We have been participating in different activities, such as relaxation, yoga, body awareness, and using our different pieces of equipment. We have been enjoying trying and participating in the different activities, which help us to feel better about ourselves.

Exploring Food In Room 17

Since returning from the summer holidays, Room 17 have enjoyed settling into our classroom and making some new friends. We have particularly enjoyed exploring some different food textures and making some beautiful artwork with them. This has included using some homegrown tatties from our garden to make prints, and cauliflower heads as effective prints for leaves for an autumnal picture.

2023 Leavers

Our Secondary Awards and Leavers Ceremony was held in school on Wednesday. Congratulations to all of the Award winners and thanks to the families that joined our celebration.

Today we bid a final goodbye to another fantastic group of young people who have all made huge progress over their years in Orchard Brae. It was an emotional day all round as we celebrated their success and wished them well.

Thanks to Nadine of Elm Music Therapy for making our Leavers video this year:

To our leavers, it’s been an honour and privilege to work with you all and we wish you all every success in the next stage of life. We will miss you all!