Musical Fun In Primary 1 @ Ashgrove

Here at Ashgrove we have really been enjoying Scottish music and dancing this month. We have a ceilidh every Friday afternoon, and the children are learning to clap to the music, to step forwards and backwards for 4 or 8, to move in a circle around the room, to kick their legs and to spin around. We also enjoyed when the music specialist Scott played Scottish tunes for us and let us try the accordion!

Outdoor Education Fun! 

The primary 1’s have been enjoying Outdoor Education the past few weeks. They have been exploring the Winter Gardens at Duthie Park and the play park at Seaton Park. They had great fun looking at all the different flowers and plants in the Winter Gardens and playing on the different equipment at the play park. Watching the waterfall was definitely a favourite by all. 

It’s Hands On in P1!🙌👏👍

Our new pupils are settling in to their new classroom down at Ashgrove and really enjoying getting their hands on to the different tools and toys. They have been using shape cutters during Cooking lessons, paint brushes for Art and rolling pins for play dough during Sensory play. They have been using their hands to control the flow of water from the hose, manipulate the toys with moveable parts and create with bricks.

Recycling with Room 2

The staff team and pupils in Room 2 are on a mission to further raise the amount of recycling which we do at Orchard Brae. We now collect the recycling which states that it must be recycled at supermarkets. If you have any of this recycling (often the bags which have multi-packs of crisps in them or fruit bags) please send them into school for us to collect.

Making Bird Feeders with Room 2

Bird Feeders

Aa part of our topic ‘Up in the air’ everyone in Room 2 worked together to make some simple bird feeders out of Cheerios.

We then hung them outside on the small trees in our class area and have been enjoying looking out the window at them trying to spot some birds.

Sadly we haven’t seen many birds but hopefully more will come to visit us.

Christmas Cooking

Today we had a fun and active festive cooking session with Liz. 

We worked together to measure out all the ingredients we needed before putting them into the food processor to mix. Using a switch we were able to take turns mixing everything together. Everyone did a fantastic job taking turns, smelling and touching the ingredients and actively participating in the baking process.

Looking For Autumn In Room 2

In Room 2 we love to go out in the community for nature walks, exploring the world around us and how things change with the seasons.

This week we enjoyed exploring the signs of autumn.

We found some conkers and enjoyed playing with their spiky shells before cracking them open to find the shiny, brown conker inside.

We also enjoyed collecting leaves that had changed colour from green to yellow, red and brown.

We took some back to class to investigate their texture and smell.