Learning about money in our classroom bakery

In Room 6, we recently transformed our classroom into a busy bakery, providing a fantastic hands-on opportunity for our pupils to learn about money and the concepts of big and small items, particularly in the context of £1 and £2 coins. We brought the shop into our classroom instead of shopping in a real shop!

Our bakery project was designed to teach the children essential skills in a fun and engaging way. Each pupil received some play money, including £1 and £2 coins, to spend at our bakery. They could choose between big and small loaves of bread, pay at the till, and even wait for their change. This activity helped them practise counting, recognize different coin values, and understand basic transactions.

Moreover, this experience was multi-sensory. The kids used their senses to immerse themselves fully in the bakery environment. They enjoyed the fresh aroma of the baked goods, felt the different textures of the bread, and, of course, tasted the delicious results of their purchases. This sensory engagement made the learning process enjoyable and memorable.

The bakery project also introduced the concepts of big and small amounts of money and the corresponding bread sizes. The children learned that larger loaves cost more and smaller loaves cost less. This practical exercise helped them grasp these abstract concepts in a real-world context, understanding that bigger items often require more money and vice versa.

Overall, our classroom bakery was a resounding success. It was an excellent way for the kids to learn about money management while having fun. They gained confidence in handling money, making choices, and understanding the value of different amounts. Well done, Room 6! This experience has been educational and enriching for all involved.

Room 6, The puffer fish and “The Exploding Lunch Bag”

This week in our classroom, we embarked on an exciting journey into science, focusing on following instructions and sequences. Our thematic exploration led us to an intriguing experiment, “The Exploding Lunch Bag,” inspired by our ongoing theme of “The Snail and the Whale.”

As part of our scientific adventure, we delved into the fascinating realm of marine life, particularly exploring the unique characteristics of the puffer fish. We discovered this extraordinary creature’s remarkable abilities and peculiarities through discussions and a captivating video presentation.

To further enrich our learning experience, we tried to recreate the pufferfish phenomenon through an engaging experiment. Guided by careful instructions and precise sequences, our young scientists eagerly took on the challenge.

Here are the steps we followed in our experiment:

  1. Put 1/2 cup of vinegar in the sandwich bag.
  2. Add three teaspoons of baking soda to the tissue, then fold it up.
  3. Zip the sandwich bag shut, but leave a corner open to fit the tissue full of baking soda in.
  4. Slip the tissue in, quickly seal the bag, and step back.
  5. Watch the bag slowly expand and explode!

Through careful execution of each step, our pupils witnessed the magic of science unfold as the lunch bag transformed before their eyes. The sense of wonder and excitement in the classroom was palpable as they observed the delightful “explosion” – a testament to the power of following instructions and understanding sequences in scientific experiments.

This hands-on experience encouraged curiosity and critical thinking and highlighted the importance of precision and attention to detail in scientific exploration.

We are proud of our pupils’ enthusiastic participation and interest throughout this experiment. Their willingness to explore, discover, and learn is truly inspiring.

Melting A Snowman In Room 6

In Room 6, we’ve been on an exciting journey exploring the wonders of water in nature, and we couldn’t wait to share the highlights with you!

One of our recent and engaging activities involved the enchanting process of melting a snowman. This hands-on experience allowed our little ones to witness the magical transformation of snow into water. Each child had the opportunity to take turns building the snowman and using blow dryers to melt it. The activity provided a fun and interactive experience and instilled the valuable skill of sharing among the children.

As they giggled and watched the snowman transform, our pupils also learned new words in Makaton, a fantastic tool for communication. Words like “cold” and “hot” became a part of their vocabulary, adding an exciting linguistic element to their snowy adventure.

We believe in making learning a joyful experience, and this activity perfectly combines fun, interaction, and skill development. Seeing our little learners embracing new experiences and acquiring essential social skills is heartwarming.

Room 6’s Fun Christmas Party: Decorating, Singing, and a Cool Story!

Guess what? Room 6 had the best time getting ready for Christmas! We had a super cool party with lots of twinkly lights, shiny ornaments, and a beautiful tree.

We didn’t stop there! We sang all the best Christmas songs. You know, like “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” It was like our own little concert!

And here’s the coolest part: we found out about a giant Christmas tree in London. Oslo, a city in Norway, gives it to London every year! It’s like a big present between friends. How awesome is that?

So, Room 6 had a blast with our decorations, songs, and a fun story about friends from far away. We munched on cookies and felt so happy to have good friends and lots of holiday cheer. Yay for Christmas fun with Room 6! 🎄🎶

Finding Your Own Way To Shine In Room 6

“How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers is about a boy who really wants to catch a star. He tries different creative ways to reach the stars but learns that sometimes you need to think differently to make your dreams come true. It’s a sweet and imaginative story about perseverance and finding your own way to shine.

Transforming “How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers into a sensory story for our children in Room 6 was an absolute delight. We used simple yet effective elements to engage their senses and make the story come alive in a whole new way.

Sun – Yellow Cellophane:

  • We brought the sun to life by using bright yellow cellophane. The children could feel its warmth and vibrant colour, creating a tangible connection to the story’s sunny setting.

Window – Curtains:

  • For scenes involving windows, we hung curtains that the children could open and close. This simple interactive element allowed them to participate actively in the narrative, enhancing their engagement.

Up and Down – Opposite Words:

  • To explore the concept of “up” and “down,” we incorporated simple visuals and movements. For “up,” we raised props or stretched our arms high; for “down,” we lowered or crouched low. This interactive play with opposite words added a dynamic layer to the storytelling.

Seagulls – Feathers:

  • When seagulls appeared in the story, we handed out feathers for the children to hold. Feeling the softness of the feathers helped them connect with the seagull characters, creating a memorable sensory experience.

Sea – Feeling the water, shells, and sand:

  • For scenes by the sea, we created a sensory station with water for the children to dip their hands into, shells to touch, and sand to feel. This hands-on experience brought the beach setting to life, fully immersing them in the story.

Rocket from cardboard:

  • The rocket in the story was crafted from cardboard, turning a simple prop into a tangible representation of the boy’s adventure. The children could touch and explore the rocket, fostering a connection to the story’s imaginative elements.

Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed this sensory adaptation of “How to Catch a Star.” The combination of visual, tactile, and interactive elements transformed the storytelling experience into a multisensory journey, making the narrative more accessible and engaging for each child. The joy and excitement on their faces reflected the success of this sensory exploration, turning a beloved book into a truly unforgettable experience.

We Had a Blast with “MESS” at Orchard Brae School!

Hello from Room 6!

Last week, we had a fantastic time with the show MESS by Tenterhooks. The story was fun and full of surprises. Imagine a bunch of cleaners dancing and singing about how good they are at cleaning. But then, one cleaner finds a pink glove when all the others are yellow. This tiny mix-up leads to a big, fun mess!

The head cleaner gets caught up in the mess and turns into a colourful, messy creature. Everyone starts having a great time, dancing, and celebrating the joy of a little chaos.

What was cool about MESS was that it wasn’t just something to watch – it was an experience. The show gave us moments to think, feel, and join in. Sometimes, the cleaners would show us how to use props like buttons or gloves. 

Show Highlights:

  • No speaking, just action
  • Cool sounds and music
  • Neat lights with mirrors and LEDs 
  • Awesome group singing
  • Interactive props for the audience: Big Mack button, rubber glove, vibrating speaker

Oh, and the best part? We could take the pink glove to the classroom! It’s like a small gift to remember the fun we had.

Thanks to everyone who made this show happen. It was a day to remember!

Rain Cloud in a Jar: A Memorable Experiment in Room 6

Introduction: This week in Room 6, our vibrant classroom dedicated to our incredible pupils, we embarked on an exciting journey to understand the magic behind rain clouds. Through the ‘Rain Cloud in a Jar’ experiment, our pupils experienced first hand the beauty of cloud formation and precipitation, making abstract concepts tangible and interactive.

Setting the Scene: The tables were adorned with clear jars, each waiting to hold its miniature sky. Pupils gathered around with twinkling eyes, eager to dive into the day’s experiment.

Materials We Used:

  • Clear jars for every pupil
  • Shaving cream
  • Blue food colouring
  • Water
  • Pipettes

Our Step-by-Step Adventure:

  1. Creating the Sky: Each jar was filled about three-quarters with water. This acted as our atmosphere, a canvas for our clouds and rain.
  2. Cloud Formation: Pupils added with some support, a dollop of shaving cream atop the water, giggling as the fluffy “cloud” floated.
  3. Rainfall Begins: A few drops of blue food colouring were mixed with water, and pupils, using their pipettes, gently added this mix onto their shaving cream clouds.
  4. Magic Unfolds: The room was filled with gasps and smiles as the blue “rain” seeped through the clouds and cascaded down into the jars, beautifully mimicking a rainy day.

Behind the Magic: We learned together that clouds in our skies hold water. When they can’t hold anymore, they release it as rain. In our experiment, the shaving cream represented these clouds, and the blue water was our rain. When the clouds (shaving cream) became too heavy, they let the rain (blue water) fall.

Moments of Joy:

  • Touch and Feel: Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the tactile experience, from the shaving cream’s softness to the water’s coolness.
  • Visual Delight: Watching the transformation from a plain jar of water to a weather phenomenon was a treat for all eyes.
  • Learning Together: This simple experiment provided an avenue for understanding complex concepts, proving that learning has no boundaries.

Reflecting on Room 6’s Experience: Our ‘Rain Cloud in a Jar’ experiment was more than just an activity; it was a testament to our pupils’ boundless curiosity and capabilities in Room 6. While we dabbled with water, shaving cream, and food colouring, we uncovered lessons about patience, observation, and the wonders of nature. Here’s to many more weeks of discovery, learning, and joy!

Developing the Outdoor Space

Our Outdoor Learning team- Roddy and Sharon- have been working hard to develop our outdoor space. The latest addition is two planter benches. Lots of us have already enjoyed sitting in the sun on them. Room 6 worked hard to get the planters ready for planting by drilling drainage holes in the trays. Room 10 then filled the planters with compost ready for the plants to go in. We are very impressd with the work these classes have been doing. The planters look fantastic and we are very excited to see how things grow.

Well done everyone!

Celebrating Burns Night In Room 6

Room 6 had a great time on Tuesday 25th January. We learned about Robert Burns, listened and played along to Scottish songs, made a haggis from leaves, twigs and netting and made a thistle using bubble wrap, green paint and purple strips of cloth. We also learned a Scottish ceilidh dance, found out what happens in a Burns’ Supper, tasted Scottish food and then had our own Burns’ Supper in class with our very own piper Claire!!