All the staff at Orchard Brae are missing seeing all our pupils every day and we are always eager to see and hear what you’ve been up to. We love seeing what everyone has been busy doing while they are at home and we have some wonderful photos and videos to share with you this week.
If you would like to share what you have been up to at home, please send any photos or videos via your child’s teacher, the Orchard Brae School Facebook Messenger page or email Amy Dunnett (Principal Teacher Primary) Downloading videos from the Orchard Brae School Facebook Messenger page appears to be working again (fingers crossed!) however if you are having any issues, please send them using a free transfer site such as Dropbox or WeTransfer.
Working Hard
We’ve been delighted to see how well some of our pupils have been working and learning at home .
There has been lots of work on this week’s story ‘The Snail And The Whale’, listening to the story, making seaside inspired pictures and creating seaside sensory tubs. Some pupils enjoyed taking their daily exercise at the beach – I wonder if they managed to spot any whales? One pupil even managed to find a seaside themed treasure trove when he was out for a walk!!
Others have been busy practising their writing or simply taking part in a familiar school routine such as circle time and some enjoyed exploring science and technology by making their own sensory bottles .
Some of you have been enjoying listening to stories, and the Bedtime stories shared on the school website and Facebook page have been a nice way to see some familiar faces and hear some familiar voices from around the school!
Making Music
It’s been a fun, musical week, listening and joining along with your favourite tunes!
Out And About
We’ve loved seeing where you’ve been visiting when you’ve been out and about in your local communities.
Getting Active
You’ve all been busy this week exploring different ways to keep yourselves active from swinging around, bouncing about on balls and on the trampoline, climbing trees, enjoying a bike ride with your family or working on building your core strength.
And Always Remember…
We love seeing all your smiles and even during this difficult and strange time it’s important to have fun, whether it’s on your own exploring nature…
…playing with your favourite toys…
…or simply chilling out and having some sensory fun.
Remember to make some wonderful memories and have fun with those you love.
We can’t wait to see what you get up to next week!