Outdoor Learning does water play

Over the last few weeks classes have been exploring water in Outdoor Education lessons.  We have poured, splashed, sprayed, puddled about and giggled.  Everyone found a way to play with water that they enjoyed.  Throwing large bucket of water around the playground and watching it fall and then make a loud splat noise was the grand finale for most classes. We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed playing with water.

Physical Wellbeing this year

The PE department is transitioning from Physical Education to Physical Wellbeing. 

This term our focus is to regain and consolidate the physical skills that we were working on last academic year. 

  • Primary pupils are working different skills through stationary work. 
  • Secondary pupils are working both indoors and outdoors trying to take part in some of the events that we can see on the Paralympic Games.

There are no pictures this time, but we promise that there will be lots in our next post.

Big Pasta Creativity Challenge Day – Friday 18th June

Are you ready for our Big Pasta Creativity Challenge Day on Friday? There will be lots of fun activities posted on the Whole School Events google classroom and you can join in the fun at home and school.

If you cannot access the google classroom, please contact your child’s class teacher for support.

And to get you ready for the big day, why not have a go at the pasta rap song by following the link below!


Storytime In Room 3

Room 3 pupils have been having a great time exploring the story ‘Mrs Vicker’s Knickers, written by Kara Lebihan and illustrated by Deborah Allwright.

In the story, poor Mrs Vickers is pegging up her pretty pink knickers when a gust of wind whisks them up into the sky. Her pink frillies spiral away on the breeze, causing quite a commotion. They land on a fire-engine’s windscreen, get hooked over the traffic lights, twirl through a classroom, twist over the zoo and even round a rollercoaster. Finally Mrs Vickers’ knickers startle a parachutist who spins down to earth, crashing into Mrs Vickers’ washing-line and sending all her other knickers off on their own adventures.

Using Mrs Vicker’s knickers as their inspiration, we have been looking at movement and forces. This included using toy cars and ramps, creating artwork using salad spinners, pushing Big Macs, passing objects to our friends, feeling water spray on our faces.

Why don’t you have a look at all the fun we’ve been having!

Big and Small in Room 17

Room 17 have been busy exploring the idea of big and small. We have been applying this concept to our everyday life skills; for example, looking at big kitchen utensils and small kitchen utensils; cutting fruit into big pieces and small pieces. We have also had good fun exploring this with different sizes of balls and we have been practicing our turn taking skills at the same time. We have also been decorating our outside area with the idea of big and small too. We have been painting big rocks and small rocks to make a pretty class snake; and making wind chimes by choosing big twigs and small twigs! Our outside area is looking much more welcoming now! 

National Numeracy Day: 19th May 2021

19th May is National Numeracy Day. There are events throughout the day on the National Numeracy website:


Numeracy is all around us. It helps us to understand the world and process our environment. Colours, patterns, shape, size and texture are all related to numeracy and play can support our early understanding of these concepts. As our pupils develop, we focus on functional numeracy, learning about time through our daily routine, money in practical situations such as knowing we have to pay in the shop, measurement in HE and outdoor learning. Numeracy skills are developed across the curriculum.

There are lots of things you can do at home to support your child’s numeracy development. Why not some of these activities? For Primary / early Secondary learner here are some ideas. Follow the link below for more:


For our Senior Phase learners:


We’d love to see how you use numeracy at home. Please share any photographs or comments by e-mail to: gw19russellclare@ab-ed.org