Room 12 Are Getting Ready For The Christmas Fayre

Room 12 have been making dog biscuits to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We had great fun mashing up the banana! We added oats (which are also great to play with) and a dollop of peanut butter, then rolled out the mixture. We then popped our trays of biscuits into the oven to cook.

Once they are done, we will stamp out labels and put them into Christmas bags ready to sell. Please come and visit our stall to buy!

Exploring Houses And Homes In Room 12

Here are some pictures of the work we have been doing on the topic of Houses and Homes.

We have made both 2d and 3d constructions. We recycled materials to make a colourful village.

We used Google Maps to find our own houses and then made a map of our own.

We used large cardboard boxes to explore den-making and imaginary house building.

We have been out and about, visiting Doonies Farm to see how animal homes are different from ours. 

We have also been looking at nests and bird houses. Then we used crackers, suet and bird seed to make some small edible bird houses for our school garden.

Flying High In Room 12

The pupils in Room 12 have been collecting data and making charts about the planes and helicopters we have seen flying overhead. We did this for 4 weeks. It was a great opportunity to talk about the idea of “more than”.

During Steam Week we had an amazing opportunity to visit a helicopter hangar, to see the size and scale of real helicopters as well as the details. We got to sit in the seats, try on their ear defenders and experience the noises and smells of the heavy machinery. Thank you to the welcoming staff at NHV!

The Art and Science of Flight with Room 12

In order to experience and understand how different objects move through the air, we have been using lots of different skills. For example, we used fine motor skills for cutting, gross motor skills for flying a kite, our sensory skills for painting insects using sponge stamps, and our attentive skills for watching the paper birds flit about or the kites and their ribbon tails flow in the wind, or the paper helicopters spin down. We had to use our bodies for flying kites to help with the uplift. So, we are learning about creative design, about the science of flight and also about maths because when making paper butterflies, we folded our painted paper in half to notice symmetry. Each of these activities gave the pupils a chance to use communication skills to make choices: about colour, materials, and taking turns to show off what they have made.


We invited our parents to come to our class to see how much we have been learning. Then we worked together to create a textured Pudsey picture. It was so nice to spend time together with our families in our classroom.

Room 12 Birdie Dance

Room 12 have been exploring photography this term.  We have had great fun with digital cameras, eyegaze cameras and ipad cameras.  We decided to use our skills and take photos and video for Easter.  We decided to show you all how to do the Birdie Dance.

We hope you have a lovely Easter and enjoy this classic dance.


Room 12 have been looking at snowflakes, since we are in the middle of winter and expecting some flurries!

We have learned Makaton signs for winter and warm clothing and made snowflakes using lolly sticks and resources we chose ourselves to decorate them.

We watched videos that showed how snowflakes are formed, the different shapes of snowflakes (more than we thought!) and saw some time-lapse clips of them.

Here are some photos of our science activity. We mixed salt and glue and made a snowflake shape on card with this substance. We let this dry overnight and the next day used pipettes and blue food colouring to slowly drip on to our snowflakes. We enjoyed watching the salt soak up the blue and spread all over – just like creating our very own time-lapse!