POSTPONED: Friends of Orchard Brae 5k Fun Run

Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19 our planned Fun Run is postponed until further notice. We will maintain contact with the City Events Team at Aberdeen City Council and hope that we can have our event at some time in the future. For now, our priority is to keep our school and wider community safe and well.


Easter Activities

This is a list of Easter Activities ideas, which can be adapted to your child’s needs.  They are suitable for the whole family.  Remember to take time to enjoy the sounds, smells, sensations as you go


  1. Parachute games – get some small teddies or balls and a blanket. Everyone holds the blanket and shakes, quickly, slowly, in time with a song, can you make the toys bounce or roll towards people


  1. Decorate boiled eggs – poster paint or felt tips or cut out bits of coloured paper and stick them on


  1. Rolling eggs – in whatever outdoor space you have or take them on your daily walk/jog


  1. Upcycle some eggs – use cardboard from the recycling bin like a cereal box or pizza box, open it out and paint/draw / scribble inside, before cutting it into an egg shape. You might want to stick it in your window for others to see.  Or you might want to do lots and have an egg hunt in your house


  1. Bunny hop races – your garden who can go fastest / furthest / highest


  1. Egg and spoon race – use a ball and soup ladel if you are worried about the mess


  1. Easter Songs – have an old fashioned singsong with Easter/animal theme – e.g. Peter Rabbit’s got a fly upon his nose. Why not learn the Makaton version


  1. Easter Movie


  1. Edible Bird’s nests – make chocolate and cereal birds nests


  1. Birds nests – collect twigs when out on your walk, when you get home use an old container e.g. margarine tub, snap the twigs into small pieces, enjoy the feel and sound they make. Maybe make a Bird from a pine cone (draw eyes and wings on paper and stick them on) or maybe you will be lucky enough to find feathers on your walk.


  1. Easter colouring online –


  1. Peter Rabbit Masks –


  1. Cut out a large egg shape from old cardboard and use coloured paper or clean food wrappers cut up into pieces to make a collage’s Easter egg, if its big all the siblings can do it at the same time


  1. Decorate some biscuits – some supermarkets sell gingerbread kits to decorate.  But Digestives and shortbread work just as well!


15. Activity Village have a range of free activity packs for different age ranges including Easter and Spring activities

(Normally a subscription is necessary)


16. Stop and listen to the birds on your walk – they are particularly noisy at this time of year


17. Spot the spring flowers on your daily walk – notice the shape, smell, size colour, number of them.  Are they Daffodils or crocuses or Tulips


18. Have an Easter egg hunt, indoors or out in the garden.


For older students with SUPERVISION

19. Boil eggs

20. Help prepare the Easter meal

21. Toast and spread hot cross buns

Outdoor Education Ideas


If you’re looking for something to do during the day – don’t forget that spring is here!

If you have a garden, you can look for:
• Flowers starting to grow. Look at the colours of snowdrops and daffodils, as well as any other flowers you may have
• Leaves will start to unfold in trees, making the trees look green again
• Listen for birds in your garden – you can put any crumbs out for them and watch them enjoy the food
• If you have a bird feeder, give it a scrub, rinse it off then fill it up.

If you are inside, you can have a go at growing some plants from vegetable cuttings.

• Carrot tops will grow in a shallow tray of water, and once they sprout you can plant them outside to provide you with carrot greens. If you cut these, you can add them to salads. Just be careful cutting the tops with a knife – this is something best done by an adult.

• A shallow tray with some water in, kept away from direct sunlight with start to grown after about a week.
• Plant out once roots have grown, either in a pot, or in your garden
• Enjoy your carrot greens in a salad!

YouTube also has great clips showing how to grow an avocado plant from the stone. All you need is a small dish with water and 3 or 4 cocktail sticks. Once the roots and leaves have started to grow, you can put it in a pot and keep it inside.

There is a lot to see and do with nature at this time of the year. The animals and plants have been quiet all winter and now is the time they get ready to enjoy the summer weather.

Teacher of Outdoor Education
Orchard Brae School

Home Learning: Secondary Department

We hope you’re all fit and well, managing to find your new ‘normal’ during these difficult times.

Our teachers are working hard to try to support you and your child in learning at home. Please check your e-mail as ideas will be popping into your Inbox regularly. These e-mails are intended to give suggestions of activities that might help to fill your day. There is no expectation that things must be done and we most certainly do not wish to add additional stress to your family life! Dip in and out of learning as you feel appropriate and do let teachers know if there’s anything you’ve found particularly useful.

We would be very grateful if you would maintain contact with your child’s class teacher during this period of closure to let us know that you’re safe and well. If we can support in any way, please do let us know.

Healthy regards,


School Closure Activities for Room 15 – Week Two

Below are some ideas for families wanting to do “school” activities with their children – if any of these ideas look good to you, give them a go!  Equally, if this isn’t what your child is needing just now please don’t put pressure on yourself or them to complete this.  It’s also great to take more time on Week One’s activities if your child is benefiting from those.

Information about how to do each activity is underneath.  Let me know if you have any particular learning requests for future weeks.

Literacy – Let’s play a game!  You can play any game you have at home, but I’m also sending to families in Class 15 a simple snap / memory game you can use at home too if you’d prefer.

How does this help build literacy skills?  We learn how to interact in a social situation (playing with others), build the language of turn-taking (“my turn” “your turn”) and encourage spontaneous communication related to the game.  Can you copy any of the signs?  Can you use your communication system to share communication?

I’ve popped together a video on how to use communication devices / core vocabulary when playing a game here:


Numeracy and mathematics – If last week you managed to match two coins of the “same” value, this week we can try to make it trickier!  Choose one coin (I’d suggest a £1 coin – it’s a helpful coin to recognise when doing shopping, however any coin will do).  You’ll need two or more of your chosen coin – mix the coin amongst other coins (start with a small group first), keeping one aside to show your child.  Show your child the coin and encourage them to repeat what it is called (using their communication device as applicable).  Ask them to find that coin amongst the mixed up coins.

Alternative option (for learners not using coins): Use a ball to play catch with your child.  Pause at different points in the game and request the ball from them (“ball please”), allowing them to build an understanding of exchange (the foundation of money work!).  Pause at other points and ask your child “More?  Or Finished?” (encouraging signing, use of communication device or personal signifiers as your child requires).


Health and wellbeing – let’s talk about how we feel.

We have a daily “how are you?” time in Class 15, and even if our communication doesn’t always appear to be entirely accurate, it is helpful to have a chance to share.

“Hello [name], how are you?  Hello [name], how are you?  Hello [name], how are you?  How are you today?”

Some learners will choose from two symbol options, some will use their communication devices, some will sign.  Encourage full sentences where appropriate (especially with our PODD and TouchChat users!) – “I feel [emotion]”.  Our most able might be able to tell you why they feel the way they do.


Wanting to burn some energy?  A few pupils in Class 15 are big fans of Jump Start Jonny – you can access his free material at .  If you’re wanting more, he is streaming kids exercises on YouTube weekdays at 9am (available to view afterwards too) –


Social studies – What signs of spring can you notice?   Building on last week’s weather communication, can you talk about what weather you can see and feel?  As adults we can help make links – flowers are starting to come out because there is more sun.  Do we need to water the flowers, or has there been enough rain?  What weather does spring bring?


Science – Observe how materials change by playing with water.  Can you help to make ice?  How does the ice look and feel?  Can you put the ice in water?  What happens to the ice?  How does it look and feel now?  Can you notice the difference?  Can you repeat a word to describe the look or feel of the ice (using communication systems too)?  If you’re really keen, take a photo and we can pop this in your ASDAN folder!

Can you keep an eye out for any spring flowers coming out?


Technology – I’m sending a shorter version of our class song choices PowerPoint to families.  Can your child communicate which song they would like to hear?  If you child uses a communication device, please use it as you encourage them to share their preference.

Next week we’ll be using the same PowerPoint, but work on using technology skills to activate our preferred option ourselves!


Expressive arts – Can you sing / sign along to “Make your Own Kind of Music”?  Can you dance to the music?

Can you make your own kind of music?  Pots and pans?  Clapping your hands?  Stamping your feet?  Vocalising / singing?


RME – we’re coming up to Easter.  Can you make an Easter card?  As we build our understanding of religious symbols, you might want to return to the egg shape we worked with last week (or another shape, up to you!).  Eggs are used to represent new life – what animal comes from an egg?  Can you communicate who your card is for?

Optional idea – Can you try a hot cross bun?  (This can link to some of your technology work if you toast it!)

Playdough Recipe

Thanks to Room 12 for sharing their playdough recipe. This works well and can provide a wonderful sensory experience when different scents and colours are added to the mixture. Please keep an eye on your children when they’re using playdough as it’s not ideal for eating due to the high salt content.


Playdough Recipe


3 cups plain flour

1 ½ cups salt

3 tablespoons oil (e.g. vegetable)

6 teaspoons cream of tartar

3 cups of water

Food colouring/glitter/scents e.g. ginger, peppermint, mixed spice


I normally half these measurements and that makes a decent sized amount.

If you’re making more than one batch at a time, start with whatever is the lightest colour.


Slow cook altogether in a pan. Keep stirring.

When it starts to stick to the bottom, work it a little longer.

Remove from pan and work the dough with hands.

Wrap in cling film or put in a tub.

This will keep in the fridge for weeks.

PE with Hannah: Joe Wicks Adapted Sessions

We’ve had a message that Bumble Bee Physio (find them on Facebook) are doing adapted sessions of the popular Joe Wicks PE. There’s a session at 11 am on Tuesday that may be worth tuning into. If 11 am doesn’t work, please check their Facebook page later in the day as live videos stay up.

The sessions will include options for lying, sitting and supported standing. Perhaps if you have other children at home they could also join in and support their brothers and sisters. Let us know how you get on.

Room 18: Tasks for Home

At school we have been working on developing skills for life. It would be fantastic if you could find time in your day to keep these skills going:

Life Skills:

  • Spreading butter onto bread/toast
  • Making cups of tea under close supervision
  • Making light lunches
  • Doing the dishes (and drying and putting away)
  • Dressing themselves
  • Tying shoe laces
  • Putting socks on
  • Cleaning kitchen surfaces
  • Cleaning other household surfaces (shower, windows, doors)
  • Loading the washing machine
  • Hanging out laundry



Maths and Literacy.

  • Your child has access to on this site you will find a range of maths and literacy activities which your child can engage in. Logins will be provided.

General Activities: Exciting Learning Opportunities (Early Years) Home learning pack for learners working at Early Levels Home learning pack for learners working at Early Levels




Room 18 suggested Daily Routine:

If you would like to follow our school day, this is a suggested timetable which mirrors our class routine.

Time Activity Task
0915 Settle into your day Wash hands
0930 Circle time Sing and Sign hello

What day is it?

What month is it?

Makaton sign

Daily news

What is the plan for the day?

1000 Work- maths or language See task list above
1030 Snack and Break Healthy Snack

Outside free play

1100 Life-skills work See task list above
1130 Walk Enjoy the outdoors- there are some activity ideas in the packs
1230 Lunch and Break Pupils tidy up after themselves once they have finished their lunch
1330 Tasks such as cooking, art, music or outdoor learning There are resources for this in the packs
1400 PE  
1430 Choosing Time Outside, Laptop, listening to music, Play a game etc
1500 Finish structured day  



Room 17 Home Learning Ideas


Please find below a list of activities / ideas from Room 17’s teacher that you can complete with your child.  Feel free to dip in and out of these as you wish.


If your child uses a communication system then please try to use it daily with them. If you need some advice about this then please send me an email.


Life Skills:

  • Help to make or prepare meals

  • Use a knife to practice spreading, toast, crackers…
  • Practice cutting toast, soft fruits/veg (using hand over hand or with very close supervision)
  • Pouring – pouring liquid or dry foods from one container to another
  • Help to wash and dry dishes
  • Putting away dishes
  • Making simple and meaningful choices (usually from a choice of two) using the objects as reference




Health and Wellbeing:

  • Going for a walk in an open area and discussing what you see and hear along the way
  • Cosmic kids yoga – a lot of episodes are on Youtube and there are greater mindfulness videos too if you need to relax




  • If you have an instruments at home then play along to your child’s favourite music – if you don’t have instruments then why not make a few together, for example take a plastic bottle, fill with dried beans (or something similar) and shake!


Storytime: Elevenses with David Walliams

You’re never too old to enjoy a story! Many of our senior classes enjoy listening to stories and in these uncertain times all of us (adults too) can benefit from a bit of escapism! Please tune in daily to listen to author David Walliams sharing stories. While stories are shared at 11 am, they can be accessed throughout the day.  The link to his website is:
