Under the Sea with Room 9

Room 9 dived into their new water topic with an exploration of the story of “The Little Mermaid”.  We’ve danced to “Under the Sea” as we’ve explored listening skills, shared our likes and dislikes about the story, designed our own mermaids (and underwater scenes for them to swim through) and acted out simple scenes.  Our numeracy activities followed the story of Ten Little Mermaids and during our Makaton song sessions we learned the “Mermaid Song” – some of us do a fabulous impression of singing mermaids!  We also have explored lots of different sea themed sensory play opportunities and interactive board games.

In amongst the joy of the January term we had plenty of snow, so we brought that into the class for some joyful play opportunities (and sneaky relationship-building, social skills and communication learning!).

We’ve recently moved onto our next story and book study, “A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea”, which between the music and the toy shark used to support understanding we have been loving so far!

We have also been voting for which story we would like to explore for the last few weeks of the term – at the moment, “The Snail and the Whale” is in the lead, but there’s one more vote to go, so watch this space!

Information For Parents

There’s been an increase in reports of measles cases across the UK. It’s important to be aware of signs and symptoms: cold-like symptoms sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light a high temperature a rash on the skin that usually first appears on the head/neck and then spreads to the rest of the body Find out what to do if you think you or your child has measles at nhsinform.scot/MMRagainstMeasles


Due to the rise in cases, It is important you should check your child has had two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. For more information on measles, and how to check your child is fully protected visit nhsinform.scot/MMRagainstMeasles

Winter Festivals in Room 9

In Room 9 last term we explored different Winter Festivals and how they are celebrated. 

We decorated the classroom, with lights, tinsel, and a few window pictures.  Our story study was “Dear Santa”, our comprehension work asked who is hiding in the Christmas present, our listening tasks explored moving to Christmas music, our numeracy activity counted elves.  Our morning choices included lots of dressing up options alongside puzzles, colouring and decorations.

Our Makaton song sessions included plenty of Santa getting stuck in the chimney, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, and wishing a merry Christmas.  For bucket time we had a dancing Christmas tree, racing Santa, novelty glasses, snowman splat, and for stage three a chance to decorate the Christmas tree and chased Santa!

As part of our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School, we’ve explored a wider range of Winter Festivals in class.  Between Christmas, Yule and Hannukah, we noticed that lights played a recurring role in many winter festivals, so we made and decorated our own tealight holders from salt dough whilst listening to Christmas and Hannukah songs.

We also collated this into a wee video which we are thrilled to share with you.

Keeping Clean in 17!

Room 17 have been working hard towards their Personal Hygiene SQA. We have been exploring different personal hygiene activities and what items are required to complete these activities. We enjoyed smelling different shampoos and shower gels. We experimented with how much bubbles and froth we could make from them too – it’s quite a lot!

We also played some games, washed some clothes, and listened to different stories about how to keep ourselves clean and healthy.

Finally, we are happy to say that we are now experts in washing our hands, and brushing our teeth!

Melting A Snowman In Room 6

In Room 6, we’ve been on an exciting journey exploring the wonders of water in nature, and we couldn’t wait to share the highlights with you!

One of our recent and engaging activities involved the enchanting process of melting a snowman. This hands-on experience allowed our little ones to witness the magical transformation of snow into water. Each child had the opportunity to take turns building the snowman and using blow dryers to melt it. The activity provided a fun and interactive experience and instilled the valuable skill of sharing among the children.

As they giggled and watched the snowman transform, our pupils also learned new words in Makaton, a fantastic tool for communication. Words like “cold” and “hot” became a part of their vocabulary, adding an exciting linguistic element to their snowy adventure.

We believe in making learning a joyful experience, and this activity perfectly combines fun, interaction, and skill development. Seeing our little learners embracing new experiences and acquiring essential social skills is heartwarming.

Volunteering In Howes Hoose

Some of the Howes Hoose pupils have started volunteering at Springhill Community Gardens. Their hard work will contribute towards their Personal Achievement Award: Interacting in the Community. This week we learnt how to use the soil churner so to get rid of the big stones in the soil. We also did some work trimming back the broom. The ladies at Springhill were super grateful for the boys’ hard work and look forward to giving us lots more jobs as we head into the Spring months and the garden starts to bloom. The Howes Hoose pupils will be painting some stones in the coming week to bring to Springhill to brighten up the rock garden. 

Musical Fun In Primary 1 @ Ashgrove

Here at Ashgrove we have really been enjoying Scottish music and dancing this month. We have a ceilidh every Friday afternoon, and the children are learning to clap to the music, to step forwards and backwards for 4 or 8, to move in a circle around the room, to kick their legs and to spin around. We also enjoyed when the music specialist Scott played Scottish tunes for us and let us try the accordion!

Pounds For Primaries

We are delighted to once again be participating in the Aberdeen Journals Pounds for Primaries promotion.

Tokens will appear in the Press and Journal and Evening Express newspapers between Saturday 3rd February and Saturday 2nd March.  Please hand any tokens into school via the office or your child’s class teacher.

If you have an online e-paper account, please email  pjcompetitions@pressandjournal.co.uk stating the school you are supporting and the school will automatically be allocated your tokens.

Thank you for your support.

Getting Ready For 2024

Room 17 had lots of fun making calendars for 2024.  We did some very good looking when we were choosing paint.  Some of us really enjoyed exploring the paint and feeling it in between our fingers.  We washed our hands with soapy water when we were finished.  Some of us thought hand washing was the best bit and really enjoyed feeling the warm water on our hands and playing with the bubbles.  We are hoping our Mums and Dads really like our calendar showing the different seasons through different colours.