PAMIS: Coronavirus And People With Learning Disabilities Study

We all know how much COVID-19 has had an impact on everyone and PAMIS family carers and staff are also very aware of how COVID-19 has had an even greater impact on people with PMLD.

PAMIS would like to hear from parents and carers of those with PMLD aged 16 and above, as you and the person you care for are living the experience and it is critical that they know what that reality is. 

Participating in this survey will ensure that you and your son’s or daughter’s reality is seen and not hidden

The survey is conducted online, asking highly relevant questions related to your reality of living in ‘COVID-19’ Scotland.  Completing this survey will help document you and your son or daughters experience over the months since March 2020. The survey will enable you to tell those who make defining decisions, around how support and care for people with PMLD and their family carers is approached, in this changed and ever-changing COVID-19 landscape.  

To register your interest now please email Brenda Garrard

If an online survey is not something you are comfortable doing please get in touch with PAMIS and they can arrange a different way of responding. 

Aberdeen Endowment Trust Secondary School Bursary

The Aberdeen Endowments Trust Secondary School Bursary is available to low income families with a child attending secondary school from S1-S4 and is normally awarded as £100 per year. It can be applied for at any time from S1-S4 but cannot be granted retrospectively.

Aberdeen Endowment Trust Secondary School Bursary Application

The completed application should be sent to the Clerk, Aberdeen Endowments Trust, 19 Albert Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1QF or please email

Room 18 Pumpkins

This week we have been settling back into school and getting ready for Halloween this weekend. Some of us have dressed up in Halloween outifts and we have carved a pumpkin ready for the school pumpkin patch. This year, L chose to carve a scary face into the pumpkin, it was a bit tricky but with a little help he managed. G did a great job separating out the seeds from the pulp. A put the pulp into the bug hotel we are making in the playground. In cooking we will be roasting the seeds to eat them. Once we are finished with the pumpkin we will fill it with bird food and put it out in the garden to feed the animals and birds.

Happy Halloween!

Room 17: Planting Daffodils

Although it is only the start of autumn, Room 17 have been busy preparing for spring this week by planting our own daffodils. We started by watching some videos about how to plant daffodils. Then we planted our own, enjoying the full sensory experience of the process. When we come back after the holidays, we will take responsibility for our own pots by watering them regularly. We look forward to seeing the results of our hard work in the spring time!

‘Coronavirus’ – a Poem by Room 19

Today at our Virtual Assembly, Room 19 shared a poem with us. I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s a brilliant creative effort!


Coronavirus is living beside us​
Here are some rules to guide us​​

Let’s be smart and stay apart​
Catch your sneeze if you please​
To wear you mask, is no big ask​
Do your best to keep left​​

Coronavirus is living beside us​
Here are some rules to guide us​

Get oot ma face, respect ma space​
No sharing bogies, no giving bosies​
Don’t be a chump, do an elbow bump​
Don’t be a gype, use a wipe​

Coronavirus is living beside us​
These rules are new, but do not whine​
Do all this and you’ll be fine!​

Signs of Autumn

Some of us have been looking for signs of Autumn when we’ve been out and about. We’ve noticed the weather changing a little – while we’ve had some sunny days, there’s also a chill in the air. The autumn colours are starting to appear and we notice the trees changing colour, both in our playground and in the community. Lots of beautiful orange, red and yellow. Some of us have made autumn pictures using the leaves we’ve collected.

We have also enjoyed some relaxing music:

Room 13’s Intrepid Explorers

Room 13 has been able to access the school bus and use it to take our students out and about and find out what’s happening in our city.

The students take it in turns in the bus, as per covid rules, to find interesting things that are going on and take back some photos for the rest of the school.

Our two intrepid outdoor correspondents this week were finding out what has been happening around the city coastline.

Room 12’s Busy Week!

We have had a productive couple of weeks in Room 12.

One young man absolutely loved his new trike. It’s been quite a while since he’s been on one and he took to it like a duck to water. Chris Hoy needs to look out for competition!

We did some sensory art work. We did some spice painting. You can do this at home with whatever you have in your kitchen cupboards. Add spices/flavourings to different colours of paint. You can smell the paint, make pictures and in some cases see different textures of paint depending on what you use. We used vanilla flavouring, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli powder and ginger.

We also made some wool wrap leaves. We cut out some leaf shapes in cardboard (Amazon packaging comes in handy here!), making sure your leaves have jaggy or rounded edges. We used pastels to rub/colour in the leaves, then used wool to wrap around them. Some of us went extra fancy and did more than one colour of wool on our leaf.

Taking Care of our Appearance

In our life skills lessons we have been working on Personal Care Routines: personal grooming, looking smart, appointments at local services and finally a project.  We chose to tie dye T-Shirts.  We practiced with scrap material and blackberries first.  Then we tie dyed T-shirts.  It was so much fun we decided to dye bags too with the leftover inks.  We then had to wash them all and hang them up to dry.  We were so proud of our efforts we had an impromptu fashion show and paraded around the school showing off our creations.  It was messy, but a lot of fun.