PAMIS: Coronavirus And People With Learning Disabilities Study

We all know how much COVID-19 has had an impact on everyone and PAMIS family carers and staff are also very aware of how COVID-19 has had an even greater impact on people with PMLD.

PAMIS would like to hear from parents and carers of those with PMLD aged 16 and above, as you and the person you care for are living the experience and it is critical that they know what that reality is. 

Participating in this survey will ensure that you and your son’s or daughter’s reality is seen and not hidden

The survey is conducted online, asking highly relevant questions related to your reality of living in ‘COVID-19’ Scotland.  Completing this survey will help document you and your son or daughters experience over the months since March 2020. The survey will enable you to tell those who make defining decisions, around how support and care for people with PMLD and their family carers is approached, in this changed and ever-changing COVID-19 landscape.  

To register your interest now please email Brenda Garrard

If an online survey is not something you are comfortable doing please get in touch with PAMIS and they can arrange a different way of responding. 

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