Makaton Training

Our colleagues at Speech and Language Therapy are running a two day Makaton Course (Levels 1 & 2) on the 29th November and 6th December at Airyhall Clinic.  If you would like more information or to book a place please download the form below or contact Sarah Thornborrow on 01224 310582 or email


A Busy Week In Room 5

Room 5 have been very busy this week exploring Our World Of Movement.

On Monday the pupils were learning how to make a Tornado in a bottle.

We filled a plastic bottle with cold water and added some washing up liquid and glitter.

We then worked together to shake the bottle in a circular motion creating a water vortex that looks just like a tornado.


On Wednesday, we enjoyed a trip to the Maritime Museum to investigate our World of Movement. The boys enjoyed walking around the museum and looking at the large boat displays. There was a large scale display of an Oil rig which was very interesting but the boys enjoyed looking out at the views of Aberdeen harbour the most. The boats were huge!

Outdoor Learning: Transforming our outdoor learning space

Outdoor Learning space

Last term we asked the council to come and cut down the weeds, to make an area where we can set up outdoor learning.  They then delivered a large load of bark, which the pupils helped to take down to the newly cleared area.  This area will now be developed over winter, to have bug hotels and hedgehog houses.


Making animals with natural materials

We used beech nuts and twigs to make scary spiders for Halloween.  We used string to make the web, and then added our spiders.


Halloween In Room 3

The children in Room 3 have been busy having lots of spooky fun this week.  We had our own (home grown!) pumpkin patch in class and enjoyed exploring the story of ‘Splat the Cat and the Pumpkin Picking Plan’.  We went jumping in leaves after sweeping them up, had lots of fun picking the perfect pumpkin while taking in the sights and smells of the patch then it rolled all the way home!  The children particularly liked our very interactive spooky singing session.  We have explored lots of interesting toys and objects which might dance, sing, light up or blow bubbles – some amazing visual and auditory tracking has been happening.  Halloween messy play was a big hit…we tried out jelly, gloop, spaghetti and rice crispies – some of us even tried it out with our feet!  We participated in the school pumpkin carving competition and took great delight in getting hands on with a drill to make a starry night pumpkin.  Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes on the big day itself and we even celebrated a Halloween birthday.  Well done Room 3 for your very active participation.


Makaton Word Of The Fortnight – HELP

We have a new Makaton Word Of The Fortnight – HELP. Below are some drawn images of the sign and an activity sheet full of ideas on how to incorporate the sign HELP into a variety of everyday activities. There is also a short video clip demonstrating how to sign the word .

Happy signing 👐


Colours On The Moooove With Room 8

The Magic Milk Experiment

The Magic Milk experiment has been a ton of fun! This science activity with milk and food colouring was great for Room 8.

Finding creative ways to hook the children, to intrigue them, and ignite their desire to want to learn more about a particular subject really drove me. The Dancing Milk science experiment is one of my favourite experiments to achieve this hook.

Not only is making milk dance fun for kids and adults to watch, but this easy and inexpensive activity also combines science and art.

Some very unusual interactions take place when we mixed a little milk, food colouring, and a drop of liquid soap. After an explosion of movement, everyone watched a beautiful, graceful dancing milk! We have had a lot of fun!

What happened?

Milk has fat in it and the food colouring floats on top of the fat. When we added the dish soap to the milk, the fat separated and moved making our magical milk art!


A Visit To The Library

Room 4 recently enjoyed a visit to the Central Library in Aberdeen.  While they were there they took part in a multi-sensory story time session and everyone had a fantastic time.

Thank you to the library staff for hosting this session for us!