Please find details of the Aberdeen City schools telephone information service for parents/guardians. This is the Schools Information Line. The main...
The health and wellbeing of each learner is central to the life and work of the school and in partnership with families and multi-agencies, we work hard to ensure that they are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included (SHANARRI). This is reflected in the ethos and life of our school, where relationships, kinship and community are held in high regard. Health and wellbeing skills are practiced across all curriculum areas and throughout the day. Every pupil works on targets to develop their unique skills relevant to their age and stage. Pupils participate in a wide range of activities with peers from across the school ensuring contexts for developing and deepening relationships and practicing working with others, vital skills for learning, life, leisure and work. Pupils learn to understand themselves physically, emotionally, socially, economically and sexually. Our pupils where appropriate recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours and make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities. They develop self-esteem and become effective citizens and confident individuals who proudly take their part in society.
Today we held our first Social Snack of the school year. We were delighted to have pupils and staff join us from across the school and everyone had a super time socialising and eating together. It was great to see pupils from different classes spending time together and mixing with other pupils that they might not come across within their normal school day.
Pupils were actively encouraged to come and choose their snack from a selection of cereals, fruits and toast and where possible, independently prepare them.
Social Snack will be a regular event, being held monthly and we can’t wait to see how it grows over the year – we just need to work out who’s turn it it’ll be for the washing up!
Room 17 pupils are working towards their First Aid SQA. We have been making and filling our own Room 17 First aid box. Today we were learning about what to do if someone had a bad cut. We enjoyed some sensory exploration of different types of dressings and bandages. We had fun being treated for our ‘cuts’.
The S6 pupils in Howes Hoose have been enjoying using the local gym facilities in Sheddocksley. The pupils are excellent at independently scanning their gym cards when they arrive. They have been trying out a variety of the gym equipment and building their confidence and stamina. The treadmill and bikes are definitely the favoured choices! It is fantastic to see our young people out and about accessing their local community.
The built environment is an integral part of our lives. Buildings and houses not only provide shelter, but they also have a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being. Recently, our group had the opportunity to visit some places around Aberdeen to observe the houses and buildings in the area.
One of the highlights of our visit was the David Welch Winter Gardens at Duthie Park, one of Europe’s most extensive indoor gardens and Scotland’s third most visited gardens. The garden spans over 11 acres and is home to a vast collection of plants worldwide. It is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, who enjoy the garden’s beauty and tranquility.
The David Welch Winter Gardens is a prime example of how buildings can enhance our lives. The glass walls and ceiling allow natural light to flood the space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The plants and flowers provide a sense of serenity and calm, making it an ideal spot for relaxation and contemplation.
We also visited Footdee, an area in Aberdeen that was once known as ‘Fish Town.’ Footdee refers to the housing squares built in the mid-19th century to house local fishermen and their families. Over time, the name ‘Footdee’ was used to refer specifically to the housing squares, and the name ‘Fish Town’ was forgotten.
The houses in Footdee are unique and charming, with small gardens and colourful doors and windows. The area has a distinctly village-like feel, with narrow streets and alleyways adding charm. The houses are built close together, creating community and neighborliness.
The visit to Footdee reminded us of the importance of community in building design. The layout of the houses and streets creates a sense of togetherness and belonging, which is crucial for a healthy and happy community. The small gardens and bright colours of the houses also add to the importance of pride and ownership that residents have for their homes.
In conclusion, our visit to different areas of Aberdeen highlighted the importance of buildings, homes, and houses. From the David Welch Winter Gardens to Footdee, we observed how well-designed buildings could enhance our well-being and foster community. As we continue to build and design our environments, it is essential to keep in mind the impact that buildings can have on our physical and mental health and the importance of creating spaces that foster a sense of community and belonging.
Room 16 have had great fun at PE this term. We have been playing table football using switches to activate hairdryers that move the ball across to our opponent’s goal. Some of us have been climbing up steps, along benches and down a chute. We have also been playing tennis. Thank you to the PE staff for making our sessions fun every week!
Aberdeen City Council are offering free period products around the city and are now offering reusable products including menstrual cups and reusable pads in addition to disposable products. If you would like to access these, please visit one of the venues listed or contact Mhairi Wilson (Specialist Nurse, Orchard Brae).
Room 12 pupils love their time in PE, with the chance to work on different skills such as balancing, bouncing, throwing and catching, pedalling, spinning. It’s a time to make our bodies move in different ways and enjoy how that feels. It also makes us stronger, faster and healthier.
This week Room 2 had the best dance class yet with Katie and her dance assistant. Our pupils showed interest during it, with all pupils participating actively at times and some pupils consolidating learning from previous classes, particularly during the cool down. Most importantly everyone, including the adults, had fun.
Room 16 have been celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day this week! Everyone took a turn to choose a familiar member of staff they wanted to give a treat to. All the pupils made very clear choices! We then went round school to find the staff members and deliver their treat along with a message using a Big Mack switch. We loved seeing everyone’s reactions to their surprise treats. We also took the opportunity to learn the Makaton sign for kind.