Evening Activities – Cancelled

In light of the current climate we have decided to postpone our evening activities for the rest of this term.
This includes:
Monday – Multi-Sport
Tuesday – Music and Drumming with Keith and Emmeline
Wednesday – Boccia and Family Swimming
Thursday – Dance and Drama with Sam
Friday – Fun Club
Thank you for your understanding at this time.

Library Cataloguing – Cancelled

Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered to come into school and help with the cataloguing of our school library on Wednesday.  However, given the current climate we have taken the decision to postpone this for the time being.


Fun Activities In Room 10

These are some of the activities Class 10 have taken part in recently. We have enjoyed listening to the guitar-playing of one of our teachers, and having the opportunity to get up close when an instrument is being played, and to touch and to explore as well as listen to it.

We have enjoyed a brief spell of sunshine in the afternoon now that the weather is beginning to improve and have puddled with our feet in paint, looking at the marks we have made. We really enjoyed that.  It was messy and squishy.

We have enjoyed pouring between tins and pots and learning about ‘empty’ and ‘full’ in our maths lessons.

We are doing well at snack times, requesting our food nicely and showing our lovely manners. We all enjoy each other’s company in class 10 and particularly enjoy our sociable activities.

Bucky Bear Hosts A Picnic

On Wednesday all the boys in room 5, were invited to a picnic in Duthie Park. The picnic was hosted by the class bear Bucky! Bucky has been going home with the boys at the weekend to meet their family and have adventures with them. To say thank you he decided to host a picnic were all the boys could bring their favourite stuffed toys (even the staff brought theirs). Bucky and the boys all had an amazing time eating lots of different food and getting to meet their friend’s teddies. Bucky Bear had the best time ever as he loves getting to meet new people and go and lots of different adventures! He will remember this picnic forever and can’t wait to plan another one!

Volunteers Needed

Are you able to help?

We have recently purchased a new electronic library system and we are looking for volunteers to help us catalogue our school library next Wednesday (18th March). Cataloguing will be happening at the school between 9am and 3.30pm but even if you can only spare an hour it would be greatly appreciated.
If you are able to donate some of your time, please contact Amy Dunnett (Principal Teacher Primary) on 01224 788950.

World Book Day 2020

We have been very busy celebrating World Book Day this week and classes have had lots of fun with a range of different activities taking place.

This year’s theme was Share A Story and we have had great fun sharing our favourite books with each other.


Room 3 have had a very busy week celebrating World Book Day.  Some of the pupils have been trialling a new bit of software on one of the brand new GridPads called Look to Read.  Here is a wonderful video of one of our pupils who is accessing the GridPad with Eye Gaze reading a story on it for the very first time!

As you can see, she understood very quickly that she had to look at the words as they turned red to hear them and then watched the animations closely.  This is very hard work and despite this, this young lady then proudly shared this work by reading the whole story to her friends in class.  We are excited to share this software with more friends in school.

They also enjoyed a trip to our local library, where they had the opportunity to look at and share lots of new books.

Room 15 were exploring stories using Attention Autism.  They enjoyed finding out about The Tiger Who Came To Tea, Super Tato and The Very Hungry Caterpillar and they also had a wee competition to see how high a tower they could build with books.

Some of our pupils have even been sharing stories at home too!

We hope everyone has had a fun week and enjoyed sharing a story as part of World Book Day!

The Self Portrait

The topic, All About Me, provides children with the opportunity to answer the all-important question “Who Am I?”. Activities as Self-Portrait, Facts About Me, My Opinions, Me Poem, My Hands Can, and Me Recipe are just a few of our planned activities for this term.

One of our favourite activities has been The Self-Portrait.

We needed several photographs of people from magazines or internet pictures, scissors, glue, card.

STEP 1:  We pre-cut the body parts of the people from the magazine or internet pictures.

STEP 2: The pupils took a ‘look’ in the mirror and determined what they like best about themselves – a great exercise for building character and self-esteem!

STEP 3: The children got a piece of card and glue. They created a cubist-inspired collage by assembling and gluing eyes, noses and lips from multiple angles.

Have fun!

PE With Rooms 6 & 7

Rooms 6 and 7 have been joining together for PE.

They have been enjoying a variety of activities developing their gross motor skills, co-operation skills and body awareness.

Exploring Tartans In Room 11

Last month, we had great fun participating in Robert Burns celebrations in class. The pupils spent time choosing different tartans to paint .

I chose the Black Watch which is very similar to my family’s tartan which we looked up too.

I chose the Royal Stuart tartan which apparently has rock’n’roll status and is worn by pop and glam rock stars.

I liked the Balmoral tartan which traditionally it can only be worn by those of royal lineage.

I fell in love with the MacLeod tartan which is bold, vibrant and commands attention!

Other pupils also liked the MacQueen tartan which is the most striking and with its links to the bold red tartans in Jacobite portraiture and it has taken a rebellious reputation!