Yarnbombing with Room 12
Our class have been looking at the amazing NuArt all around Aberdeen and wanted to come up with our own contribution for an outdoor piece of artwork. We looked at some videos that showed yarnbombing all over the world and thought this is something we could adapt and put our own stamp on.
Yarnbombing is a type of street art that shows displays of knitted or crocheted wool, yarn or fibre. It can also be called yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, kniffiti, urban knitting or graffiti knitting.
We started with some knitted backgrounds and chains that Allison, our EYP made and then made some wool wrapped twigs, learned how to use pompom makers and made tassles and attached them all to the trees outside our window. We think they make a lovely display. It’s a work in progress – there are many trees in our playground we can yarnbomb!
Official Yarnbombing Day is 11th June.