Music With Emmeline – Wednesday 1st April
Here are today’s musical activities with Emmeline.
Soundscape: Sky
In keeping with our Makaton song of the week, we have created our interpretation of a sky Soundscape today. We have provided this picture as a visual stimulus for the Sky but you can also choose your own picture or look at the sky from your window or garden.
Please relax, listen to the music, look at the picture, imagine different things you might find in the sky and take deep breathes. Perhaps you have some things at home that make you think of the sound of the clouds moving past or the sun shining that you could add in.
Touch The Sky: Part 3 – Verse 2
Well done so far with Touch the Sky. It is not as familiar a song to many of us as ‘Donald Far’s Yer Troosers’ is but we hope it will be by Friday! Today we are learning the second verse.
Where dark woods hide secrets
And mountains are fierce and bold
Deep waters hold reflections
Of times lost long ago.