End of Term Events
We’ve lots of activities planned for the end of term. Please note 16th (or 23rd) June as we can dress up as Superheros for our MOVE/Potted Sports Day.
From Monday 14th June
Caroline’s Treasure Hunt – Individual classes will organise to go on a special treasure hunt, but what special prize will they find at the end?
Wed 16th/23rd June (weather dependant)
MOVE/Potted Sports – MOVE and PE will provide a sporting/active challenge for all classes but remember this is also superhero day so dress as your favourite character!
Friday 18th June
Creativity Day lots of different activities all linked to pasta!
Monday 21st June
Leavers Ceremony for 2020 and 2021 leavers – digital invite to follow for parents and carers of these specific pupils.
Thursday 24th June
Picnic in the Park/Musical afternoon- This is our pupils’ tribute to Caroline, fine food and musical interludes.