Howes Hoose Plant the School Logo

A team member from the Parks Department at Aberdeen City Council came to work with Howes Hoose pupils. We were asked to design a flower bed. He then took all our designs and put them together to make the design for the new flower bed. We set to work planting daffodil bulbs in the shape of an O for Orchard Brae. Over the next few weeks we will plant out more bulbs to make the B, put down bark in the shape of the hands on our badge and finally plant more bulbs to finish the design. Please look out for the flowers as they begin to grow on the bank at the far side of the car park over the next few months. Many thanks to the Parks Deparment for helping us with this project. We are looking forward to working with them every second Tuesday.

Football Tournament

The football team recently played another session of matches at Aberdeen Sports Village. They showed great improvement and battled on despite fierce opposition. Congratulations to them all for their sportsmanship. They were all a real credit to the school!

Room 18 Keeping Fit!

As part of our Senior Phase Curriculum, pupils from Room 18 have been keeping fit at our local Sports Centre. They have taken to it very quickly and are very much enjoying the cardiovascular equipment. We’ve shown enthusiasm in cycling, rowing, using the cross trainer and treadmills. Many of us enjoy walking uphill on the treadmill and some of us have even been for a run. Good effort Room 18! We all need to follow in your footsteps a bit more!

New Work Experience Placements for Howes Hoose

A new term and a new work placement for one young man who started working at Airyhall Community Centre this week. His main job is to help Karen keep the Centre clean and tidy especially the toddlers play area; those of you who have little children will know how difficult this is!

Well done on a positive and enthusiastic start.


SQA Home Economics with room 17 and 18

Some of the pupils in room 17 and 18 have been working on a variety of HE units. They have been focusing on cleaning skills and food preparation tasks. We are planning to post some of the recipes that are being used in HE so that they can be used at home.

Home Economics with Howes Hoose

Howes Hoose have been working on increasing their independence in the kitchen, working on food preparation skills and using electrical equipment safely. They have been using these skills to run their soup making business, with the profits going towards the residential and Duke of Edinburgh trips that they will be attending in the Summer term.

Bronze Duke Of Edinburgh with Howes Hoose

The group were working with Toby , our Duke of Edinburgh support person, learning to put up a tent. Thankfully it was not pouring with rain or blowing a gale so we did very well. Everyone agreed it was very cosy inside!

Room 18 – On the Go!

Room 18 have had a very busy term developing many of their life-skills including ironing, dish washing, making sandwiches and having fun with their friends along the way.