Flying Kites in Room 6

Room 6 had great fun trying to make the kite fly on a windy day. Some of us chased the kite and some of us watched from a distance.

Pupils then made their own kites with carrier bags and enjoyed flying these in the playground.

Room 5 Visit The Library

Room 5 had a busy morning, visiting our local library at Northfield.

When we arrived, we spent some time exploring the library.  We really liked the computers and colouring in table!  We then met the librarian who gave us a library card for our class and we chose some books to take back to school.

We can’t wait for our next visit to the library.

Movement Time in Room 3

The children in Room 3 have been doing incredible work on their movement skills since returning to school! The children use their equipment daily as part of class routines and work so hard to stand up tall in their standing frames or take steps in their walkers.  Twice a week we do focussed movement sessions where we use a range of floor based positions as well as equipment.  On a Tuesday we focus on trying out activities in a range of positions, sometimes these are new or challenging but the children are so motivated.  On a Friday we have a music and movement session which is linked to our story.  We have been exploring all the animals’ movements from ‘The Animal Boogie’ while moving our bodies to different pop and Disney songs in a range of positions.  The children work together in pairs or small groups throughout the week in their equipment and are further developing their awareness of each other…sometimes there’s a real sense of competition while we throw/kick balls or try to press the computer first but likewise sometimes it is nice just to lie together during a relaxation time or even help encourage a friend by holding up a favourite toy for them.   Being active is great – amazing work Room 3!

Our First Week In Room 3

This week the pupils in Room 3 came back to school and some of our pupils celebrated their first day of Primary One.

We explored the story ‘First Day at Bug School’ and the children engaged so well as we moved through the different classes that the bugs attend!  We started the story and went through the grass (Pom Poms helped set the scene!) then listened to the ‘tiny school bell ring’ which took us into bug school.  We started by doing the register where we hid under the cloths before pulling them off our heads just like we do in our class!  In Spider science class we loved watching the water fall down the spout (there was quite a lot of splashing too!), in Ladybird maths class we spun the spinner before listening to/feeling on body counting to the same number, in PE class we worked hard to push the huge gym ball off our trays and it was so much fun to watch it bounce across the classroom and music class with the Crickets was a huge hit too!  Almost as much fun as a day at Orchard Brae.

We are super impressed with how quickly the children have settled into the school routine for the first time/after the long holidays and are very excited for all the learning ahead of us in Room 3 this year.

A Trip to the Beach With Room 4

Room 4 have been reading ‘The New Friend’ by Alex Scheffler for their book study this term.

In the book, the main characters Pip and Posy make a new friend at the beach and they work together to build a sandcastle.

We enjoyed the book so much that we thought we would have a go at making our own sandcastles!  We visited the beach and worked together to build our own sandcastles.  We thought we did a good job.  What do you think?  We even made our own new friend when we went looking in the rock pools!




Looking Back And Moving Forward With Room 8

The beginning of summer is upon us! As we head into the final stretches of the school year, everyone should take time to reflect on the highs and lows of the year. What worked? What flopped? How can you improve for next year? What from your old job will you bring to your new one? What must you definitely leave behind?

However, when we take time to reflect on our year and take stock of how we’ve grown and changed, we are more able to acknowledge the gifts of this passage and harvest our own learning for the future.

Let’s find out together our best moments.