Room 12 – Post Office Fun

Room 12’s Post Office

 As part of our school topic “Our World of Work”, we have been looking at Post Offices and have set up our own one in the classroom!

We have been given some resources for role play from one of the local Post Offices and have been using them to write our own postcards to people in school, posting them and delivering them.

We have been using stampers and stamps, envelopes and parcels. We have been exchanging items for money at the till and taking turns to be the cashier. We have been learning how Post Offices work and the journey of a letter from writing it to its delivery. We have listened to stories relating to letters and postmen/women and used everything we have learned to role play and have fun at the Room 12 Post Office!

More photos to come!!

Room 5 – Hard at work

Room 5 have been working hard this term. Our whole school topic is Our World of Work and we have been learning to follow schedules and complete work tasks. We have also been working outside school and seeing the jobs that other people do in the community.

Our book study has been Elmer and we have done lots of work on colour. We particularly enjoyed painting with the elephants.

Room 4 – Sensory fun

The children in room 4 have been exploring and creating with Gloop and Play-dough.

Play is the best way for a child to learn about their surroundings and develop fundamental skills. Sensory play stimulates their senses such as sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell. The children were encouraged to explore with these sensory activities to support their understanding and develop their creativity.

Busy times in Room 3

We have had a very busy term and a half getting to know each other and settling in to school life. Each day at Circle Time and snack, we practice sitting and turn-taking and we’re getting pretty good at it now! We also use these skills when we choose counting songs at the whiteboard and to enjoy a sensory story.

We try to go outside every day, either into the playground or for a walk. We have just discovered the play park at Auchmill Golf Course and are having great fun playing on the different pieces of equipment and the walk there and back gives us a chance to practice listening to and following instructions about road safety. Sometimes we go to the shop on an errand and we experience the different jobs that people who work in shops do and use money in real-life situations.

When the weather isn’t so good, we like nothing more than getting messy in the classroom with some sensory play (it’s great for our fine motor skills too!)!

To help develop our fine motor skills even further, we have been doing lots of art and craft activities, using paintbrushes, glue spreaders and glitter; we even won an award for our pumpkins at the Halloween disco!

In between times, we are busy going to Sound and Light with Kev, Drama with Sam, Music with Karin, Swimming with Amanda, PE with Scott, Drumming and Art with Keith and Home Economics with Liz –phew!

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be doing some Christmas crafts making decorations to sell at the Christmas Fayre on 1 December. Then it will be time to enjoy the fun of the festive season!

Room 2 – Making Festive Playdough

The children in Room 2 have been working hard to make lots of festive playdough to sell at the school fayre.  We worked on lots of different skills using our senses – we were touching the different ingredients, looking carefully as we were supported to pour, listening to the water pouring (we really liked this!), smelling the peppermint and cinnamon we added and some of us chose to have a little taste of the flour too!  We will keep some back so that we can play with it in class too.

Howes Road PM Nursery – Getting ready for Christmas

This term the  Nursery has been focusing on Red and Blue based activities, which included playing with red jelly  and making blue paint pictures with our feet. We made Tartan paintings for St Andrews day and went to Kev’s Light and sound disco.We went on an outing to see the Christmas displays in Dobbies and took part in craft activities to make calendars and Reindeer dust for the school Christmas fair. Calendars and Reindeer Dust still available!!!!!

Howes Road AM Nursery – Halloween and Christmas fun

This term the  Nursery has been focusing on Red and Blue based activities, which included playing with red jelly  and making blue paint pictures with our feet.  Some of us dressed up for  Halloween and we made Tartan paintings for St Andrews day. We also took part in  craft activities for the school Christmas fair making Calendars and glittery Reindeer Dust .

Room 6/7 and their World of Work

As part of our Interdisciplinary theme ‘Our World Of Work’, Rooms 6 and 7 have been busy looking at the different types of work we can do both in school as well as at home and in the community.

Some of us have been working on developing our skills and independence in our everyday work sessions by practicing following our schedules and sitting at the table for a period of time. Others have been undertaking a variety of household and self-care tasks such as cleaning, recycling and making snacks.

Halloween fun at Orchard Brae

In October the Pupil Council met and discussed options for a whole school  Halloween Activity.

The options were to have a Halloween disco, design a pumpkin or do both. After a whole school vote pupils chose to do both. A picture graph was used to share the results of the vote.

Caroline judged the pumpkin competition and decided that everyone was a winner as they were all unique and individual.

This was followed by the Halloween disco which was enjoyed by all.