Health & Wellbeing In Room 6

One of the things we have been focusing on this term has been making sure we are all feeling happy with all our classmates and teachers. So far we have done Yoga, gone for lovely walks, done some dance sessions, played outside and enjoyed chilling out at choice time. A special highlight of our day is our relaxation sessions just before we prepare to go home.

Learning Through Play In Room 2

Room 2 pupils all enjoy learning through play. On a Friday they have the freedom to choose what they want to play with. We observe our pupils confidently making their choices, playing alongside each other, observing the variety of play opportunities and selecting another activity to do, initiating communication and, most importantly, having fun.

What Have Room 10 Been Making?

Outdoor Learning: We took a walk around the school grounds and collected items as the children saw them.  We came back to class to make ‘Natural Things’ panels, which you can see us making in the photographs.  We will use these panels to decorate our outdoor area.

Making instruments in Science and Music: We are making our own xylophones, one of which can go outside as it has been made from drainpipes.  We have rolled and used Sellotape, we have tapped to hear the different sounds we could make with our rolls.  We have used string to make knots. We are going to use some of our own instruments in class music and see what difference size and volume can make to notes and pitch.#

Back to Nursery

Our morning and afternoon nursery children at Howes Road have been very busy since starting Nursery this term. Many have been showing an interest in vehicles and we have been listening to stories and songs about cars, buses and other things that help us to move around. A favourite song is ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ and great fun has been had playing the desk bells which sound like the bell on the bus. Some children have been using vehicles in the paint and looking at their tyre tracks. Others have been exploring the paint with their fingers. The garage and toy cars have proven very popular as the cars go up and down ramps whilst some children have been exploring cause and effect steering wheel toys or completing puzzles.

We also made lots of playdough as part of a group and have been using transport cutters to make shapes of planes, cars, trains and motorbikes. Some have been rolling the playdough in their hands and squeezing it as it is lovely and soft. 

We have had fun in the nursery garden, watering the flowers when it has been sunny and jumping in the puddles when it has been raining. 

Local Holiday

Just a reminder that the school is closed tomorrow, Friday 25th September and on Monday 28th September for the local holiday.

We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Tuesday 29th September.

Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment – 24th September 2020

Please find below an updated version of the Orchard Brae Covid-19 Risk Assessment which reflects further advice and guidance received from Health Protection Scotland and Aberdeen City Council . This contains an updated appendix B outlining the use of PPE within the school day.

The class cleaning record has also been updated to reflect these changes.

Return to nursery

All the returning children from Orchard Brae at Ashgrove have settled well since starting back in August. We have been able to welcome new children to our Nursery and it has been great to see how quickly they have adapted to their new setting. They all appear to be enjoying and becoming familiar within the Nursery environment.

We have been doing lots of sensory activities with painting, gloop and shaving foam. We have also been making vegetable and fruit printing pictures. We have been planting our spring bulbs and enjoying what remains of the “summer weather.”

As the trees are now beginning to change colour we have been exploring this concept as we go for walks in the local community. Some of the children have shown great interest in our apple and plum trees which grow in our outdoor play area and have been collecting them. We have used some of the plums for our snack. Next week we are planning to use the apples to make apple pie.

The staff team at Ashgrove are all looking forward to working with the children and supporting them throughout their time with us. 

Making Play Doh In Room 5

Room 5 have been very busy making their own play doh.

As a class we measured out all the dry ingredients before mixing it with water and oil. Then we took time choosing our favourite smells from a selection of essential oils and colours from a range of food colourings.

Using play doh in class has many benefits including –

  • Moulding playdough is excellent for developing a child’s fine motor skills.
  • As children work on their creations they form new ideas and concepts. They will learn new words such as roll, squeeze, flatten etc, as well as words describing what they are making.
  • When a child works with playdough, they basically have a blank canvas waiting to be moulded into something unique.
  • This activity works on creativity as a child has to mould from an image they hold mentally. Even if they try to reproduce something they have already seen, theirs will always look different.
  • As children get older and more experienced at moulding playdough, their creations will show more detail and creativity.
  • Following a basic recipe for playdough is a great opportunity to teach your child some maths by learning about measurement. They also learn about reading information for meaning, such as recipe instructions.

Playdough is a quiet activity that requires a child to sit still for periods of time. This is great for lengthening a child’s concentration span over time.

We are having fun exploring play doh in room 5 and creating some interesting sculptures.

Best Start P1 Grant

The Best Start Grant School Age Payment is a £250 payment made around the time a child normally starts Primary 1. The grant is open to people who are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits and are the parent/carer of a child born between 1st March 2015 and 29th February 2016.

If you think you may be eligible, please apply online at or cal 0800 182 2222 between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday.