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All of the boys in room 8 have been working hard on their targets this term. Some children are becoming more familiar with activity boards while playing with bubbles, making art or playing music. Others have been working on recognising their photographs. Mark making skills are being developed, number recognition is being worked on and following instructions is being worked on by copying an adult in PE and dance sessions.
Our Disney topic has continued to bring to life a variety of magical tales.
For Halloween week we explored “baddies” with the story of “101 Dalmatians”. We danced to Cruella DeVil, found our photos hiding in the old DeVil house, made Dalmatian art, dressed up for our soft-start choices and had a pumpkin themed sensory play with red lentils (and communication boards!). Our numeracy activity counted “Ten Little Monsters” and our spooky Halloween bucket featured a chance to make our own magic potion, and alongside the fun of seeing the bubbles when we combined ingredients it was also great to see how much more confident the class were to transition for a turn-taking activity.
We then moved on to “superheroes”, and who better than “The Incredibles” to animate the theme?! We all enjoyed playing with superhero masks as our signifier for story time, so when we got to art we each had a chance to make our own superhero masks. We sang superhero songs and looked out for our superhero selves flying across the interactive board.
Last week we explored the theme of “Princesses” with the story “Aladdin”. We danced to songs from the film for our listening activities, spotted our photos flying across the interactive board on a magic carpet, counted Princesses for numeracy, for bucket time we were invited for a magic carpet ride, and in art we designed our own magic carpets. Our messy play communication activity saw our princess picture on the tray with some amazing cornflake hair!
Room 12 have been making dog biscuits to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We had great fun mashing up the banana! We added oats (which are also great to play with) and a dollop of peanut butter, then rolled out the mixture. We then popped our trays of biscuits into the oven to cook.
Once they are done, we will stamp out labels and put them into Christmas bags ready to sell. Please come and visit our stall to buy!
In Room 17, we have been thinking about our personal health as part of our SQAs. We have been participating in different activities, such as relaxation, yoga, body awareness, and using our different pieces of equipment. We have been enjoying trying and participating in the different activities, which help us to feel better about ourselves.
We have been celebrating Guy Fawkes night, Remembrance Day and Autumn by creating lots of different art in Room 18. We used cardboard tubes as stampers for fireworks, rulers and corks to make poppies and dried leaves to make Autumn trees. We can’t wait for Christmas art to start!!
Last term room 16 were learning to play simple melodies using Figurenotes notation on Chime bars, Electric keyboards and switches. Everyone has worked really hard and have had a great time in the process and some even had a bash at the drum kit! Well done room 16.
The Butterfly Room had a busy term before the holidays. We’ve been engaging in various activities and our colour day was a hit. The children had lots of fun pouring and watching the rainbow rice fall into the tray. They made beautiful handprints using different coloured paints, painted the autumn leaves and stuck them to the wooden tree. Using the pipette for colouring the cotton petals was a little bit tricky while the yellow, red, brown cooked pasta was quite sticky but the children manoeuvred their ways around them.
Children enjoyed some lovely numeracy experience through sorting and stacking the various shapes according to their colours. The beautiful balloons added more colour to the day.
We have had a busy Term 1 in room 8 and are excited to get going with term 2. In Term 1 we were getting used to the new things. For some children the room was new. For others it was staff that were new and the children had some peers they hadn’t been in a class with before. Everyone has settled into room 8 very well! We have been exploring our topic of Disney/showtime and have been making a start on working on our targets.
The children have adjusted well to the routine we have developed in room 8. They enjoy the outdoor area just outside room 8 that has a slide and a see saw to play with, as well as a scooter and a trike. The children have been enjoying the usual activities we are able to have across the school week such as swimming and PE.
In Term 2 we will be continuing the topic of Disney/Showtime until we hit December where winter festivities will take over!
One of our ASDAN modules this term is to make something using a new and different material so we made some salt dough decorations. We transferred the skills we usually use when making and playing with play dough to squish and roll out the dough. Then we used our cutters to cut out some fun shapes before using a straw to make a hole for hanging it up. It was so much fun squeezing the dough!
Then we practised our waiting skills because they took A LONG TIME to harden. We checked on them throughout the week and then finally, they were ready to paint. Instead of brushes, we made choices between using pompoms and pegs or our hands and fingers to apply paint to our decorations. Everyone did a fab job and I think the decorations turned out great!