Bronze Duke Of Edinburgh with Howes Hoose

The group were working with Toby , our Duke of Edinburgh support person, learning to put up a tent. Thankfully it was not pouring with rain or blowing a gale so we did very well. Everyone agreed it was very cosy inside!

Sensory stories and music with Room 8

Room 8 have been experiencing a wide variety of communication and sensory sessions through sensory stories and music sessions. You can see how much fun they have been having from the photographs.

Eco Committee

Orchard Brae School is participating in the Eco-Schools Scotland award scheme.  Eco-Schools is a global programme which promotes sustainable development education, connecting millions of children across 67 countries worldwide.

Eco-Schools Scotland is designed to encourage whole-school community action and the programme encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it.  The programme starts in the classroom and expands to the whole school, eventually fostering change in the community at large.


Room 15 – Miles for Refugees

Room 15 comprises an eclectic group of very determined young learners, each very much with their own personality and their own skills and abilities, likes and dislikes.  Much of the learning in Room 15 is achieved through sensory activities and experiential learning. Group sessions can present a challenge for some of the learners and they work hard on the social skills that will assist them as they progress.

In Room 15 we have been exploring the differences and similarities between our lives and that of others.  We took part in the British Red Cross Miles for Refugees project. We all went round the playground to simulate the miles that refugees travel seeking a safe space. Refugees use different forms of transport. In our class we used pacers, trikes, wheelchairs and our feet.

Room 18 – On the Go!

Room 18 have had a very busy term developing many of their life-skills including ironing, dish washing, making sandwiches and having fun with their friends along the way.

Out and about with Room 16

Room 16 has been busy this term.  We focused on the Supermarket as our World of Work interdisciplinary theme – exploring the different jobs there are as well as developing our money handling skills. We have also started on our outdoor education award with the John Muir Trust, so watch this space! 


Outdoor Art with class 10

Looking at Outdoor Art with class 10 and how art can be transient; it can blow away, wash away in the rain and disintegrate and we can just enjoy it for the short time it is there.

Having fun in Room 9

Eco Bricks with Room 14

As Part of an SQA module and class recycling we are making Eco Bricks this year.

We are going to make the bricks into a table for our summer snacks outside.