Letter To Parents/Carers – December 2022
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of the school
New Post
Mrs Karen Gebbie-Smith, Head of Primary will be stepping down to take on another new and exciting role within the ASN service.
Karen started in June 2010 and has given dedicated service to both Woodlands and Orchard Brae Schools and although this is not goodbye, we will miss her not being around school daily. However, I am pleased that we will still be able to call on her skills and knowledge to help support our ever-growing Orchard Brae ASN community.
Karen takes up her new post on January 16th and we wish her all the very best.
Retirement? Really?
Mr Jim Johnston will be leaving his post as class teacher at the end of this term. Jim has worked with many pupils and families and has also given many years of dedicated service to both Orchard Brae and Woodlands Schools.
Orchard Brae staff, pupils and their families will miss Jim with his pupil centred, nurturing approach. However, I am sure you will join us and colleague’s past and present in wishing Jim a long and happy retirement.
Performing Arts
Through the power of technology, we made an appearance at the Evening Express Carol Concert and this year, we also opened the Music Service Concert on Tuesday night. Once again showcasing our talented group of signers, #proudheidie moment!
The adverse weather we have had recently has meant the postponement of our first live Christmas Show in 2 years until Tuesday 20th December, we have limited space in the hall so are only able to allocate 2 tickets per family. I look forward to seeing you then.
And finally, a thank you to you, the whole team in Orchard Brae and our wider community. Despite the many challenges we have faced, we do it together, this has been wonderfully exemplified by the care and thoughtful support provided recently by our neighbours at Heathryburn. I wish them and you all the very best Christmas wishes and look forward to seeing what the new year brings
Important Dates
Thursday 22nd December – last day of term
Monday 9th January -return to school
Tuesday 10th January – potential strike day – school closed to all pupils
Monday 13th February – Mid-term holiday
Tuesday 14th February – In-service day – school closed to pupils
Wednesday 15th February – In-service day – school closed to pupils