Connecting Scotland Devices

Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative programme set up in response to coronavirus, which aims to get every citizen in Scotland online. It provides iPads, Chromebooks and support to develop digital skills for people who digitally excluded and on low incomes.

Supported by this initiative, SHMU has Chromebooks, iPads, and MiFi devices available through Phase 1 of Connecting Scotland that need to be in their new homes by the end of the year.

Phase 1 Criteria

Devices are available for those:

  • In a low-income household
  • Who have no internet (broadband or cable) AND/OR no device (they can have a mobile)
  • Who were previously under the shielding group or have a significant health condition (eligible for flu jab and pregnant included, full list of medical criteria can be provided on request)

If you or anyone you support fits the criteria, please get in touch with Kirsteen at SHMU – or 07592064430.

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