Christmas Fair: 30th November 2019

Room 12 are holding another doll raffle, to be drawn at the Christmas Fair on 30th November 2019, all proceeds to Orchard Brae.

Included in the prize is a beautiful wicker basket bed, bedding, the doll and several outfits – from a bride’s dress, to clown’s outfit to pyjamas and matching dressing gown and more. Doll donated and bedding and outfits beautifully made by the mum of one of Room 12’s class teachers.

Tickets to win all this are £1! Come and see us at the fair to buy your ticket!

There will also be many dolly clothes at our stall available to buy separately. These are unique, handmade and better than any dolls clothes you’ll see in the shops!

Home Economics with Room 13

This week’s Home Economics lesson was very special for us in Room 13. It was the first time that all our students were able to attend a baking session – Altogether!

We all made porridge with Liz and then we all tasted our final results!

Some of us, mentioning no names, ate all our porridge! Very tasty too, I may add!

And not a sign of Goldilocks either!


Halloween Fun at the Pupil Council Disco

The pupil council decided they wanted a Halloween disco and a pumpkin carving competition on Halloween. We enjoyed a whole school disco, with all the tunes being selected in advance by the pupils.  There were lots of fantastic costumes too.

Potted Sports

Everyone enjoyed the Potted Sports organised by our PE Department on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone involved for the hard work that went into this, including our Howes Hoose pupils who supported at the stations. We all had a great time moving around in our class groups, finishing up with a running ‘marathon’ for any Secondary pupils wishing to participate. They were well supported by those opting to spectate.

Room 13 Visit The Maritime Museum: The History of Punch and Judy

At the end of May we set off on public transport to explore the Punch and Judy exhibition at the Maritime Museum.

The exhibition told us the history of Punch and Judy and how it developed in this country especially in seaside towns like Aberdeen, Blackpool etc.

There were also many props for children to try on and hold as you can see from the photos.

Room 13 Explore Aberdeen Nuart

As part of our Interdisciplinary theme ‘Our World of Rights’, one of our pupils has been out and about on public transport locating the Nuart in the city centre.

He has seen how the art work is carried out using “cherry pickers” for the artists to reach the highest points of their art work.

He will keep a photographic progression of the art work and exhibit his findings on a notice board in the school for all to read, enjoy and gain information from.

Works of Art for our Loved Ones with Room 13

Room 13 are being organised once again. This time they are planning for another special day at the end of March where we share our love and appreciation for our families and those close to us. We have used a range of techniques to create our own special artwork.