Tree Planting in Outdoor Education

We were very grateful to have trees given to us by the Woodland Trust. We have planted these at the front of the school to create our very own orchard. Thanks to Sharon for supporting us with this project, and for all the hard work she’s put into Outdoor Education this session.

Room 14 also helped to ‘plant a tree for the Queen’s Jubilee’, planting a Christmas tree at the front of the school. How long do you think it will take for it to grow taller than you?

Hair Washing for ASDAN

Some of the pupils in Room 16 chose that they wanted to learn how to wash hair as part of their ASDAN award. They practised brushing hair, rinsing, applying shampoo and conditioner and drying it. We were all very impressed with how careful everyone was – there was no shampoo in anyone’s eyes! The end results were fantastic and there were two very happy staff customers.

Big and Small in Room 17

Room 17 have been busy exploring the idea of big and small. We have been applying this concept to our everyday life skills; for example, looking at big kitchen utensils and small kitchen utensils; cutting fruit into big pieces and small pieces. We have also had good fun exploring this with different sizes of balls and we have been practicing our turn taking skills at the same time. We have also been decorating our outside area with the idea of big and small too. We have been painting big rocks and small rocks to make a pretty class snake; and making wind chimes by choosing big twigs and small twigs! Our outside area is looking much more welcoming now! 

National Numeracy Day: 19th May 2021

19th May is National Numeracy Day. There are events throughout the day on the National Numeracy website:

Numeracy is all around us. It helps us to understand the world and process our environment. Colours, patterns, shape, size and texture are all related to numeracy and play can support our early understanding of these concepts. As our pupils develop, we focus on functional numeracy, learning about time through our daily routine, money in practical situations such as knowing we have to pay in the shop, measurement in HE and outdoor learning. Numeracy skills are developed across the curriculum.

There are lots of things you can do at home to support your child’s numeracy development. Why not some of these activities? For Primary / early Secondary learner here are some ideas. Follow the link below for more:

For our Senior Phase learners:

We’d love to see how you use numeracy at home. Please share any photographs or comments by e-mail to: