Adventures with Supertato in Room 10
Room 10 have been very busy immersing themselves in this term’s book study, Supertato!
Week one we introduced ourselves to Supertato with Super Squad, with a birthday cake themed playdough for sensory play and a birthday themed bucket time. We introduced story massage and found this has positively supported engagement in story activities for our class – any Room 10 families wanting to try this at home can find lots of resources on our class Google Classroom.
Week 2 we explored the original Supertato story, with Evil Pea playdough sensory play, bouncing and spinning movement activities and lots of messy jelly fun for our Monday literacy session. Our Monday sessions have seen us teaming up with Room 9, which is a fab opportunity for us to practice our social skills with a larger group of friends.
Week 3 we checked out Supertato: Books Are Rubbish, creating masterpieces with glow in the dark paint, built and knocked down towers, engaged in torch play, glow sticks and light up toys for bucket time, and a jelly obstacle course for stage three (shifting attention and turn-taking), which wasn’t anywhere near as messy as it could have been!
Last week we had a bubble exploration session with veggies hiding in the foam, bubble blowing art, bubble wrap art, bubble popping movement activities and bubble sensory play. We even had a bubble themed bucket time! This gave some fabulous opportunities to not only explore this week’s Supertato story, Bubbly Troubly, but also gave us a chance to explore core communication skills (MORE bubbles please!) and practice regulation skills (relaxed breathing with blowing bubbles). Not to mention lots of fun!
All of this is alongside the focused efforts on settling in to a new class and building relationships with others around us. We’ve had some great fun with our Friday jam sessions with Room 9, we suspect the fun could be heard for some distance but that’s just part of the fun – we’ve been making friends, exploring rhythm and practicing our early signing skills.
Where will our Supertato adventures take us next? Watch this space …