Adverse Weather
Severe Weather
In severe weather conditions the Head Teacher may decide that the school has to be closed. The closure will be announced on Northsound Radio, probably between 7am and 8.30am. Information is also available on the Schools Information Line and Aberdeen City Website.
Occasionally, school transport may be cancelled because the operator has decided that conditions are too dangerous. In the event of this happening parents/carers should NOT attempt to bring their children to school in their own transport.
If the weather deteriorates suddenly during the day while the pupils are in school, the buses and taxis will be asked to come and collect pupils early and the school will contact parents/carers directly. Should the school be unable to contact a parent/carer, the emergency contact numbers will be used. On days when there is an obvious worsening of weather conditions parents should try to make sure there is someone at home to receive their child.
Updates and further information can be found at:
School Information Line 0870 054 1999.
Orchard Brae School Pin No. 011890