Room 7 Make A Scarecrow And Try New Foods
Some of the residents around Northfield have been making scarecrows to put in their garden for local children to spot during the October holidays, so room 7 decided to get involved! During our Outdoor Education session this week, the boys helped to stuff an old tracksuit with straw which was a great sensory experience, then they make a head from old plastic bags and fabric and put a wig on the top. We haven’t quite decided on a name yet but see if you can spot her on your way past school over the next couple of weeks!
If you and your child would like to take part in the hunt, keep an eye on the Scarecrow Hunt Aberdeen Facebook page for the full list of Scarecrows
We have also been trying lots of news foods during snack time, especially fruits and vegetables. We have had raw and stewed apples which we loved with vanilla yogurt. During carrot fortnight we grated carrots and practised lots of skills to use the grater but we didn’t like eating the result. We made carrot and cheese muffins with the grated carrot which were delicious though! This week we have tried pears which only some of us liked. We have also tried beetroot, avocado, figs and baby corn.