Room 15: Home Learning Ideas (Bucket Time)

In order to give some continuity of learning, here are some ideas from Room 15.


Bucket time


Bucket time is an intervention devised by Gina Davies, a Speech and Language Therapist based in England.  She has shared some fabulous short videos recently explaining bucket time for families, including ideas for how to adapt to what resources you are likely to have at home for home-learning. – introduction to bucket time – Gina Davies Autism Centre YouTube page (lots of tips for home learning).


We know bucket time has been popular with many of our young people so I have put together a few videos showing bucket time if you’d like to try something similar at home.  These are for your benefit, your child will respond more to your presence than a video.


Stage one – the bucket.

Your aim is to encourage focused attention from your child by creating an irresistible invitation to learn.  Choose high interest items that your child does not get to play with / use normally.  Keep spoken language minimal but be enthusiastic in your presentation.  As your child is learning to focus attention on you (not the item from the bucket), they do not get to use the items from the bucket.


If you’re interested in the other stages, I recommend this document for a quick overview:


Have fun!

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