Making Play Inclusive – Sense Play Toolkits is a charity that supports people with complex disabilities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Sense Scotland is part of the Sense family and works with children, young people and adults who have communication needs in Scotland.

Sense has developed a set of play toolkits for parents and professionals to provide information and advice on enabling children with complex disabilities to enjoy inclusive play.

The toolkit for parents contains simple ideas, suggestions and practical tips on making play fun and fully accessible. You know your child best, you know their likes and dislikes, so not all the activities and ideas may be suitable for your child but hopefully there will be some inspiring ideas for you to try.

Sense have also produced a series of videos to go along with their play toolkit which we have linked below.

During the current restrictions we know that you may not have, or be able to get, a lot of the items in the videos. The videos have simply been added to hopefully give you some ideas of things that you might want to try with your child, using or adapting, whatever items and objects you do already have at home.

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