Last Week Of Term

We have had a wonderful activities week as we prepare for the summer holidays!

On Tuesday we enjoyed an Orchard Brae ‘Proms In The Park’. Unfortunately, the weather meant that we couldn’t enjoy a picnic outside but as you can see from the video below, everyone had a great time listening to the live music provided by the Fyvie Folk Club.

On Thursday, we all took part in our Animal Themed Sports Day. Use the QR code or link below to view a Thinglink showing all the fun!

And finally we would like to wish you all a very happy and relaxed summer holiday. Have lots of fun and we can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to what you’ve been up to when we return in August!

Adventures with Room 18

We had a great time at the end of last term getting out and about and enjoying some trips!  We went to a Boccia tournament in Peterculter where we tried lots of different Boccia based games with children from lots of schools.  We went to a RSNO concert at the Music Hall where we heard the story of Gaspard the Fox and then we enjoyed a picnic at Duthie park. We were even lucky enough to try curling on the ice at Curl Aberdeen, we played lots of games and had a chance to try a mini match at the end!

Drake Music

Abi Sinar, a musician with Drake Music, has been working with students at Orchard Brae for the last two years, even throughout lockdowns, in developing the North East Digital Orchestra project. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a digital orchestra for school leavers and young adults, enabling them to develop their musical skills and create new music using a range of inclusive music technologies.

Pupils who have been involved in the project have been supported by Abi to develop their musical skills using a variety of accessible instruments and have created this video for you to enjoy, where they play Ode To Joy as well as their own additional compositions to the song.

Many thanks to Abi for her support and in making the film. If you would like to find out more about Drake Music and their work, please follow the link below:

Developing the Outdoor Space

Our Outdoor Learning team- Roddy and Sharon- have been working hard to develop our outdoor space. The latest addition is two planter benches. Lots of us have already enjoyed sitting in the sun on them. Room 6 worked hard to get the planters ready for planting by drilling drainage holes in the trays. Room 10 then filled the planters with compost ready for the plants to go in. We are very impressd with the work these classes have been doing. The planters look fantastic and we are very excited to see how things grow.

Well done everyone!


Our pupils from Howes Hoose have taken part in the Nat 2 course Factors Affecting Performance. In this course they have been identifying what parts of the body are involved in different exercises and how exercise affects their body.

Pupils from Room 13, 16 & 18 have taken part in the Nat 2 course Taking part in Physical Activities. During this course they choose different activities that they would like to take part in, and they are learning about the equipment that they need for it as well as setting up and tidying up after using it.

Primary Gymnastics

During this term our Primary pupils have been working their balance and control through a Gymnastics block. They have experienced balances on the floor and on different equipment. They have also had great fun exploring different ways to roll and spin.

PE kit

PE kit works as an element of reference, facilitating the transition between the classroom and the hall. It also promotes and develops skills for life such as getting changed independently. A huge thank you to all families supporting us with PE kit (indoor shoes, t-shirt and shorts or joggers).

Willow tunnel

Our fantastic Outdoor Learning team are working hard to develop the school outdoor area. Last year Sharon started a willow tunnel leading to the sensory garden. This is a huge job so last weekend Sharon enlisted a few helpers to come and finish setting it up! We think it looks marvellous!

Huge THANK YOU to John Malster who came to teach everyone how to work with Willow and to everyone who came along to help out. Well done everyone