Room 19 on Work Experience

Two of our pupils have been on regular work experience at Airyhall Community Centre. They support with keeping the centre clean and are doing a very thorough job. Our work experience opportunities promote independence in our pupils. In addition to learning about the skills needed for work, we also engage with other people in our workplace, communicating with other staff and members of the public depending on our work environment.

Work Experience in Room 19

Room 19 follow a very practical programme to develop life skills and independence. This term we have young people out and about in school and the community on work placements. We are enjoying these opportunities and they are helping us to develop our confidence and social skills.

Room 19: A New Class!

This year we have a new class, Room 19. In Room 19 we are Senior Phase pupils (S4-6) and we are following a timetable that will allow us to progress on to the learning experiences offered in Howes Hoose, our Leavers Class.

Our learning focuses on developing independence and life skills. In our morning meeting, we chat about our day and our targets. We also practise life skills through setting the table, preparing snacks and tidying up. We take turns following a rota for chores.

We are often out and about in and around school. Our literacy and communication skills are being developed through our newspaper, the Haddo Herald, a joint venture with Howes Hoose. Some of us write the news and we use it to practise talking to others and asking questions. Going around classes to deliver the paper helps us to communicate with less familiar people and to practise using equipment such as our talkers.

Our numeracy skills are developed through wider learning opportunities such as our sandwich enterprise. We go shopping for ingredients and this lets us practise our money skills, as does managing our budget and payments. We also work on time and think about this in relation to our daily routines.

Some of us are also doing work experience this year. This begins in school with opportunities such as supporting younger pupils in Outdoor Education. We also have a young man working regularly in the school kitchen, preparing food and doing dishes and we have young people doing grass cutting, gardening and working in community centres and shops.

We think it will be a good year in Room 19!

Work Hard / Play Hard in Room 18

Room 18 continue to expand their horizons with new work experience opportunities. We now have a young person working in the kitchen on Thursday mornings, supporting the catering team with food preparation and serving at lunchtime. We have young people working with our Janitor, and we continue other jobs around the school including watering the plants and recycling. Our Sandwich Enterprise continues and we provide a great service for staff on Tuesdays, making and delivering sandwiches.

Aside from hard work, we do enjoy opportunities to relax during break and lunchtime. Finding the balance in life is good!

Developing Independence in Room 18

In Room 18 we are always out and about! Now that we’re in the Senior Phase of learning we are developing independence and life skills in everything we do. Our day begins with Breakfast Club, our alternative to Circle Time, catching up and chatting about the day ahead. Later we’re out and about doing different things – recycling, work experience around school, shopping and enterprise activities to name but a few.

New Appointment: Orchard Brae Environmental Officer

We are pleased to announce that a pupil from Howes Hoose has been appointed Environmental Officer for the school. He will be responsible for monitoring the litter in the school playground, in the Community and in the wider Community of Aberdeen, a big job. We have already noticed some fly-tipping in the area which will be reported to the Council.

Please help us to look after our environment!

Thank you.

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We went to visit the fantastic recycling facilities in Aberdeen. We would like to encourage you all to reduce your waste, re-use items or give them to someone who can re-use them like a Charity Shop, or recycle them. Thank you.

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New Work Experience Placements for Howes Hoose

A new term and a new work placement for one young man who started working at Airyhall Community Centre this week. His main job is to help Karen keep the Centre clean and tidy especially the toddlers play area; those of you who have little children will know how difficult this is!

Well done on a positive and enthusiastic start.


Room 18 – On the Go!

Room 18 have had a very busy term developing many of their life-skills including ironing, dish washing, making sandwiches and having fun with their friends along the way.